F'n Capitalism.
So, here's the rubb, New Zealand wants to do-a-climate. But they're capitalists, so, climate has to be profitable.
They decide the trade is farmland from cow-sheep-etc >into< tree farms. They got "investors", IKEA, to come in buy up the market for trees, and laddy daa, CARBON CREDITS.
But then they've planted only monocrop fast growing pine destined TO BE CUT DOWN. The plantation is what forestry experts call GREEN DESERTS. Because there is no diversity in Species and Sizes of trees, the small animals/insects, a natural biome DOES NOT recur. This results in a "green" place that is only a Tiny Fraction of the Sequestration capacity per acre of land relative to the benchmark of an Old-Growth forest, you can youtube the visual difference.
The net result is, 1 step forward, 2 steps back, all because the Accounting-system, Capitalism, only operates in 1 direction and largely ignores externalities.
We are epic screws, Tp4 is surrounded by rich guys, most of them believe in climate change, no one can change their way of life, because their way of life requires continuous cash flows, there isn't a single front or back end element which can change for the better, any large change would result in a train wreck for the existing system.
If the current system can't change, and we're massively indebted to the Natural Earth Biome, then there is only a Singular outcome to this, a massive industrial Heart Attack.
Most rich guys believe or ease their mind on the fact that squirreling away cash in multiple currencies world wide will save THEM. They ignore the fact that an endangered world would probably reject fiat, and fall back to bartering, mostly for food.
As if the airlines are going to run when we're exchanging wheelbarrows of corn with the neighbors.