Author Topic: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?  (Read 99359 times)

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« on: Tue, 09 August 2022, 18:43:50 »
Think it'gone wurk ? o' he actually tefl0n.

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #1 on: Tue, 09 August 2022, 20:09:28 »
It's time for the Republican Party to move on, and from what I have read they are more than ready.

But for now, they will have to wail and moan hard enough and loud enough to convince "the core" that they still care about that fat toad and his delusions.

There is no doubt that he did the crime, but to your question as to whether he will do the time, probably not. But he is pretty well ruined, and presumably his vile spawn also.
“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

Offline noisyturtle

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #2 on: Tue, 09 August 2022, 21:52:43 »
The FBI would never have went in if they did not have very good evidence against him, unless the entire thing was orchestrated to show he had nothing to hide and signal all his friends, which Trump did via Twitter as it was happening (mentioning the specific places they looked, and what they seized.)

So this is either good news they have something solid against him, or a smokescreen to hide further corruption. Neither would surprise me in the slightest.
My faith in my country to do what is right is zero.

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #3 on: Tue, 09 August 2022, 22:13:25 »

My faith in my country to do what is right is zero.

Cynicism is precisely what put us where we are today.

Even when you don't think either side is perfect, or even close, *IT  IS  IMPERATIVE* that you always give your full support to the lesser of 2 evils.

If you did not invest your vote in Hillary Clinton in 2016, then you are directly to blame for putting this country where it is today.

“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

Offline chyros

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #4 on: Wed, 10 August 2022, 01:25:47 »
I've been told that the alternatives to Trump are mostly hardcore conservatives. Are they better or worse than Trump?
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Offline fohat.digs

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #5 on: Wed, 10 August 2022, 07:52:38 »

Are they better or worse than Trump?

There is a saying that Trump was the flower, not the root.

The Radical Right has been diligently at work and highly focused on its agenda for over 4 decades, an agenda to consolidate the wealth and power of the ultra-wealthy.

"Nationalism" in the face of an ever-shrinking and interconnected world? "Small government" in a time of global warming and pandemics?

Nobody in his right mind would support such concepts, so it was necessary to divorce millions of people from their right minds. That requires control of mass media ....

Trump was very effective in ripping apart the fabric of our society, but he was extremely stupid and incompetent and behaved like a rabid dog.

The new crop of candidates are much more intelligent and competent so they will be more effective at accomplishing their goals, but at least they are not insane.
“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #6 on: Wed, 10 August 2022, 08:11:15 »
not insane - just evil

and they hate America just like their puppet masters tell them to

Search warrants are not matters of public record, but the person being searched does receive a copy of the warrant. If Drumpf thought that he was being persecuted unfairly, he could easily release the warrant (or the first page summary) and suggest that a search was not justified. There would be something tangible to see and discuss out in the open.

It now seems to be becoming clear that the documents (especially the ones in the safe) were classified and top secret, and that he was selling them off for his own profit.
« Last Edit: Wed, 10 August 2022, 09:29:49 by fohat.digs »
“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #7 on: Fri, 12 August 2022, 15:54:30 »
Meal Team 6 rdy for dooty.

The education has to improve in this country, even if it's about maintaining a blue collar labor class, we can't have'um THISs dumb.

He posted the following on Truth Social, a drumph social media platform.

/He died, they killed him, deep state br0

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: dey gon git Drumph dis tine o no ?
« Reply #8 on: Sat, 13 August 2022, 11:53:29 »
“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

Offline chyros

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #9 on: Sat, 13 August 2022, 12:07:53 »
Meal Team 6 rdy for dooty.

The education has to improve in this country, even if it's about maintaining a blue collar labor class, we can't have'um THISs dumb.

He posted the following on Truth Social, a drumph social media platform.

/He died, they killed him, deep state br0

(Attachment Link)
What on Earth?! Oo

I'm assuming this person is now in custody and awaiting trial for conspiracy to commit murder, terrorism and treason?
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Offline tp4tissue

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #10 on: Sat, 13 August 2022, 12:12:18 »
What on Earth?! Oo

I'm assuming this person is now in custody and awaiting trial for conspiracy to commit murder, terrorism and treason?

No, he shot at the fbi/police,  they shot back, he ded.

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #11 on: Sat, 13 August 2022, 12:20:45 »

I'm assuming this person is now in custody and awaiting trial for conspiracy to commit murder, terrorism and treason?

“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #12 on: Tue, 30 August 2022, 18:43:01 »
dun' really understand what's happening,  are they indicting him or no ?

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #13 on: Tue, 30 August 2022, 19:12:49 »
Yes, but Garland knows that he must have an absolutely immaculate, ironclad, airtight case because it will be attacked from all angles.

And, I fear that the murder dogs will start shooting judges and witnesses as the heat increases.
“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #14 on: Wed, 31 August 2022, 00:38:16 »
I don't get this whole hunter biden's laptop thing.

Like, what could be possibly on there,  that they'd "THINK"  would justify reversing all the problems caused by drumph ?

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #15 on: Wed, 31 August 2022, 08:45:32 »

what could be possibly on there

But But Behghazi !

Hillary's emails !

"Lock Her Up!" - for possibly not properly safeguarding proprietary government information - they still talk about those things. And you can be sure that if Hillary's emails were not completely and permanently deleted, and somebody would have found anything of value there, it would have been plastered all over the media.

If there was any "low-hanging" fruit the crazies would be going for that, trivial fringe stuff from the distant past is all they have ....
« Last Edit: Sat, 03 September 2022, 08:21:24 by fohat.digs »
“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #16 on: Mon, 05 September 2022, 13:59:39 »
Herr Drumpf is getting his referee to shuffle through the documents (presumably to separate the tax-evasion papers from the military secrets).

To lighten up the thread a bit, here is Michael Cohen's observation from his 2020 book Disloyal :

" Checking into the Vegas Trump Tower, I was summoned up to his suite to discuss the day’s events. Trump was in his underwear, white Hanes briefs, and a white short–sleeved undershirt, watching cable news on television. He barely seemed to register that it was unusual for a grown man to be in a state of undress in front of an employee, but there it was.
On this occasion, Trump was fresh from the shower and hadn’t done his hair yet, as it was still air–drying. When his hair wasn’t done, his strands of dyed–golden hair reached below his shoulders along the right side of his head and on the back, like a balding Allman Brother or strung out old ‘60s hippie.
I called his plane Hair Force One for good reason. Trump doesn’t have a simple comb–over, as it would appear. The operation was much more involved than a simple throw–over of what was left of his hair: the 3–step procedure required a flop up of the hair from the back of the head, followed by the flip of the resulting over–hang on his face back on his pate, and then the flap of his combover on the right side, providing 3 layers of thinly disguised balding–male insecurity. The concoction was held in place by a fog of TREsemme TRES Two, not a high–end salon product. Flip, flop, flap, and there was the most famous combover in the world.
The real reason for the extravagant and obvious overcompensation for his baldness was vanity, and the desire to appear younger and more vigorous than he was. But there was another unknown reason: he was hiding unsightly scars from a failed hair-implant operation in the 1980s."

– referring to preparation for the 2103 Miss Universe announcement
“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #17 on: Tue, 06 September 2022, 01:28:42 »
quote B1den speech: .....Politics as a mediation of our differences.

quote Drvmph speech: ......a dirty dirty dirty sweatsuit... !!!

There is a pretty clear separation of audience here.  Someone who wears maga hats would listen to B1den and think, wtf does that even mean..  I better vote for drmvph, he said that one democrat wore dirty dirty sweatsuits.  hahahahahha

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #18 on: Tue, 06 September 2022, 07:39:52 »

Politics as a mediation of our differences.

In my opinion Biden's speech was magnificent and awesome in every way, one of the best and most focused speeches I ever heard.

But it is suspicious that he did not specifically declare that Hillary Clinton is not a cannibal ....
“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #19 on: Tue, 06 September 2022, 10:06:43 »
In my opinion Biden's speech was magnificent and awesome in every way, one of the best and most focused speeches I ever heard.

But it is suspicious that he did not specifically declare that Hillary Clinton is not a cannibal ....

fohat, I think you're exactly the type of radical left that "actually exists".

There's Bernie Sanders, who is legit,   then there are the other "Demo(rats, B1den" who are no more/less billionaire tools than the republikants.   Different masters, same crimes.

Democrats over promise under perform all the same.   Then every year,  America is AT WAR AGAIN.   Most nv(lear disarmament actually happened during republ1can terms.  They do it for selfish reasons too, to manipulate energy markets in their favor, but that's the point,  they're all bad guys.

I'm not asking for perfect, as you say, move the needle, but I also don't believe b1den is any less of a liar.

America is an imperialist institution, all our gains are worth NOTHING as climate change is coming down on us.

Humanity is at large a bunch of people bickering at each other inside a burning house.

By all means, VOTE DEMO(RAT, but we can't be deluded into thinking they understand the common good as anything other than the normal capitalist enterprise where just about everything goes to the top.

More important than anything else in the world. EAT VEGGIES. There is no other solution to our almost certain destruction.

Offline chyros

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #20 on: Tue, 06 September 2022, 10:58:50 »

Politics as a mediation of our differences.

In my opinion Biden's speech was magnificent and awesome in every way, one of the best and most focused speeches I ever heard.

But it is suspicious that he did not specifically declare that Hillary Clinton is not a cannibal ....
Do you have a link to the speech? I'm curious now :) .
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Offline fohat.digs

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #21 on: Tue, 06 September 2022, 14:28:29 »
“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #22 on: Tue, 06 September 2022, 15:00:04 »
The cannibalism part was mockery of the conspiracy theorists, of course.

can't remember where I read that humans taste like pork.

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #23 on: Tue, 06 September 2022, 16:11:04 »

can't remember where I read that humans taste like pork.

I thought that the colloquial Chinese word for human was "long pork" ....
“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #24 on: Tue, 06 September 2022, 16:27:03 »

have not heard that.  it may be some other asian nation.

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #25 on: Tue, 06 September 2022, 18:14:20 »

Do you have a link to the speech?

And by the way, here are excerpts from Drumpf's speech a couple of days later in reply:

"As you know this week Joe Biden came to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to give the most vicious, hateful and divisive speech ever delivered by an American president, vilifying 75 million citizens, plus another probably 75 to 150.

There's only one party that's waging war in American democracy by censoring free speech, criminalizing dissent. You see that happening? Disarming law-abiding citizens, issuing lawless mandates and unconstitutional orders, imprisoning political protesters. That's what they're doing, rigging elections. weaponizing the Justice Department and the FBI like never ever before. And raiding and breaking into the homes of their political opponents. I wonder who that could be.

Republicans in the MAGA movement are not the ones trying to undermine our democracy. We are the ones trying to save our democracy very simple. The danger to democracy comes from the radical left, not from the right. Not from the right.

The FBI and the Justice Department have become vicious monsters. controlled by radical left scoundrels lawyers and the media who tell them what to do — you people right there — and when to do it.

They're trying to silence me and more importantly, they are trying to silence you. But we will not be silenced, right. We will never stop speaking the truth. We have no choice because we're not going to have a country love. The evil and malice of this demented persecution of you and me should be obvious to all entities."

“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

Offline chyros

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #26 on: Wed, 07 September 2022, 03:16:50 »
In my opinion Biden's speech was magnificent and awesome in every way, one of the best and most focused speeches I ever heard.

But it is suspicious that he did not specifically declare that Hillary Clinton is not a cannibal ....

fohat, I think you're exactly the type of radical left that "actually exists".
I don't think there is a "left" in America, not even a moderate one :p .

The cannibalism part was mockery of the conspiracy theorists, of course.

Interesting speech. I think it makes perfect sense what he's saying in most cases, but I also wouldn't be surprised if he's underestimating the problem. I find people tend to forget how terrifyingly easy and quick social progress can be undone. Trump's supporters are also obviously quite insane and will stop at nothing. Freedom of speech and opinion is one thing, but what we see on the news over here at least (and I'm sure that's a skewed perspective) shows a bunch of dangerous lunatics who may be on the cusp of forming critical mass, and who are quite willing and able to commit violence to get what they want.

The fact that the the storming of the Capitol building is still not widely considered an act of terrorism is beyond me. I think the tolerance for that act is what's led every thing to spiral out of control.

By the way, does he have a thousand teleprompters set up or is he doing it by heart?

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Offline fohat.digs

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #27 on: Wed, 07 September 2022, 08:23:53 »

wouldn't be surprised if he's underestimating the problem

Trump's supporters are also obviously quite insane and will stop at nothing .... a bunch of dangerous lunatics who may be on the cusp of forming critical mass, and who are quite willing and able to commit violence to get what they want.

does he have a thousand teleprompters set up

Understating the problem is the only way to not appear as rabid as the "deplorables" themselves.

Mass insanity is altogether different compared to individuals with mental problems. What we are looking at is the result of a bizarre narrative that has been advertised and sold to gullible people who feel that they have been marginalized and exploited (which they have, of course), proposing that "the left" is somehow responsible for the social and economic changes that have most frightened and disoriented the working class in America over the past 4 decades.

The goal of the ultra-wealthy, when they purchased the Republican Party in the late-1970s, was to create a composite base that would be large enough to elect and enable their paid politicians to alter tax laws and regulations so that top 1% can avoid tax altogether.

This has been a successful multi-pronged approach, but they over-shot their mark and seeded a cancer of hate and anger that took on a life of its own. Frankly I am surprised that it has not expressed itself in a lot more random killing than it has. I do take some consolation in the fact that more and more of the "rich elites" are recognizing that while social discord may benefit them - actual disruption of society is very bad for business.

Generally teleprompters are set up on left and right with the same screen so that the speaker can sweep his gaze around the room.
“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #28 on: Wed, 07 September 2022, 10:19:04 »
"the left" is somehow responsible for the social and economic changes that have most frightened and disoriented the working class in America over the past 4 decades.

The goal of the ultra-wealthy

they have. they've all done it.   The left is not salvation, it's shi7 sandwich option 2.

Offline fohat.digs

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“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #31 on: Thu, 08 September 2022, 10:16:01 »
Kevin McCarthy
“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #33 on: Thu, 08 September 2022, 14:14:40 »
« Last Edit: Thu, 15 September 2022, 13:39:58 by fohat.digs »
“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #34 on: Sun, 11 September 2022, 08:49:25 »
Loading boxes of documents in Florida bound for Bedminster.
“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #35 on: Sat, 24 September 2022, 10:25:51 »
Special Master

“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #36 on: Sat, 24 September 2022, 10:40:42 »
that has to be photoshop, it doesn't even make sense.

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #37 on: Sat, 24 September 2022, 12:17:38 »
edit -

I see where that previous photo came from : Fox TV 2022-09-22

« Last Edit: Mon, 26 September 2022, 19:12:08 by fohat.digs »
“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #38 on: Sun, 25 September 2022, 19:45:24 »
sooo... sep 24t'  did ne thing happen ?

nothn' on internet.

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #39 on: Sun, 25 September 2022, 20:48:30 »
“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #40 on: Thu, 13 October 2022, 14:34:42 »
Trump will be subpoenaed to testify under oath before the House committee.

Will he show? If he does, he will certainly plead the 5th Amendment countless times.
“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #41 on: Fri, 18 November 2022, 13:59:19 »
Looks like AG Merrick Garland is moving now.
“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

Offline noisyturtle

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #42 on: Mon, 21 November 2022, 08:49:42 »
How is it possible that he's even remotely being considered in any way to run again for another term?
It's less believable than Nixon rising from the dead and running again.

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #43 on: Mon, 21 November 2022, 09:01:58 »
because he's popular with their flock.

why are priests who rap3 alter boys still in charge with catho1ocism,  because they're still popular with their flock.

Offline Leslieann

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #44 on: Mon, 21 November 2022, 11:03:37 »
How is it possible that he's even remotely being considered in any way to run again for another term?
It's less believable than Nixon rising from the dead and running again.
There's only a few limitations on who can't run, the theory being that since it's an elected position it should weed out the bad, same reason we don't have age limits at the upper end either.
Some rules have been proposed or even put in place but have often been struck down as racist or ageist (or as a simple F-U).

The one rule we don't have but really should though is the ability to pass a basic security background check like our military.
Novelkeys NK65AE w/62g Zilents/39g springs
62g Zilents/lubed/Novelkeys 39g springs, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps, Netdot Gen10 magnetic cable, pic
| Filco MJ2 L.E. Vortex Case, Jailhouse Blues, heavily customized
Vortex case squared up/blasted finish removed/custom feet/paint/winkey blockoff plate, HID Liberator, stainless steel universal plate, 3d printed adapters, Type C, Netdot Gen10 magnetic cable, foam sound dampened, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps (o-ringed), Cherry Jailhouse Blues w/lubed/clipped Cherry light springs, 40g actuation
w/ Kailh Purple Pros/lubed/Novelkeys 39g springs, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps, Netdot Gen10 Magnetic cable
| PF65 3d printed 65% w/LCD and hot swap
Box Jades, Interchangeable trim, mini lcd, QMK, underglow, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps, O-rings, Netdot Gen10 magnetic cable, in progress link
| Magicforce 68
MF68 pcb, Outemu Blues, in progress
| YMDK75 Jail Housed Gateron Blues
J-spacers, YMDK Thick PBT, O-rings, SIP sockets
| KBT Race S L.E.
Ergo Clears, custom WASD caps
| Das Pro
Costar model with browns
| GH60
Cherry Blacks, custom 3d printed case
| Logitech Illumininated | IBM Model M (x2)
Definitive Omron Guide. | 3d printed Keyboard FAQ/Discussion

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #45 on: Mon, 21 November 2022, 12:40:35 »

the ability to pass a basic security background check

Yes, even when I worked as a lower-level DHS employee some years ago they did a thorough background check, I talked to some of my friends, family, and former employers about it later.

And we all take the same oath, elected officials, military, etc, and pledge :

"to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty"

So much for that, especially the part about ensuring domestic tranquility ....
“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

Offline noisyturtle

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #46 on: Mon, 21 November 2022, 17:16:06 »
Wouldn't being under investigation by the DOJ for treason be enough to prevent him from running again? Or any of the massive amount of illegal **** he and his family have been proven thoroughly to have committed while he was in office? That's all good?

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #47 on: Mon, 21 November 2022, 19:22:00 »

been proven thoroughly

Generally, you are "considered innocent" until "proven guilty" and even that line is not always a hard line.

Trump's plan of last resort is to settle in the last minute of the 11th hour. Then you avoid being "proven" guilty while - nudge nudge wink wink - you and everybody else know that you are guilty as sin. And you don't even have to admit it in public !

And "treason" is something that you are doing to actively help an enemy, and legally we may or not even have enemies today :

- "and appearing on the list is no guarantee that they are not our enemy" -
“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02

Offline Leslieann

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #48 on: Mon, 21 November 2022, 19:46:54 »
Generally, you are "considered innocent" until "proven guilty" and even that line is not always a hard line.
All it will take is one hardcore Trumper who believes he did nothing wrong no matter what to slip into the jury and he walks.

Same problem they had with Elizabeth Holmes, quite a lot of people think she did nothing wrong.
Novelkeys NK65AE w/62g Zilents/39g springs
62g Zilents/lubed/Novelkeys 39g springs, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps, Netdot Gen10 magnetic cable, pic
| Filco MJ2 L.E. Vortex Case, Jailhouse Blues, heavily customized
Vortex case squared up/blasted finish removed/custom feet/paint/winkey blockoff plate, HID Liberator, stainless steel universal plate, 3d printed adapters, Type C, Netdot Gen10 magnetic cable, foam sound dampened, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps (o-ringed), Cherry Jailhouse Blues w/lubed/clipped Cherry light springs, 40g actuation
w/ Kailh Purple Pros/lubed/Novelkeys 39g springs, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps, Netdot Gen10 Magnetic cable
| PF65 3d printed 65% w/LCD and hot swap
Box Jades, Interchangeable trim, mini lcd, QMK, underglow, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps, O-rings, Netdot Gen10 magnetic cable, in progress link
| Magicforce 68
MF68 pcb, Outemu Blues, in progress
| YMDK75 Jail Housed Gateron Blues
J-spacers, YMDK Thick PBT, O-rings, SIP sockets
| KBT Race S L.E.
Ergo Clears, custom WASD caps
| Das Pro
Costar model with browns
| GH60
Cherry Blacks, custom 3d printed case
| Logitech Illumininated | IBM Model M (x2)
Definitive Omron Guide. | 3d printed Keyboard FAQ/Discussion

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Reply #49 on: Mon, 21 November 2022, 21:54:01 »
The is Jack Smith, the prosecutor appointed Special Counsel for the Trump investigation. Shown in court in The Hague.

“He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody.
Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
So it was pretty good .... Thank you to Elon.”

- Donald Trump - Washington DC  2025-02-02