Author Topic: Panic Buy has BEGUN, peeps.  (Read 16488 times)

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Offline fanpeople

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Re: Panic Buy has BEGUN, peeps.
« Reply #100 on: Wed, 18 March 2020, 02:24:50 »

killing peoples is what they like best,

Who likes that best? Enlighten us.

Offline yui

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Re: Panic Buy has BEGUN, peeps.
« Reply #101 on: Wed, 18 March 2020, 02:39:05 »

killing peoples is what they like best,

Who likes that best? Enlighten us.

the American military have somewhat of a reputation, at least outside of the US "shoot 1st, ask questions later", actually pretty much any military seems pretty happy killing, i know that does not apply to everyone in there but there is peoples that goes there just to have a chance to kill.
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Offline noisyturtle

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Re: Panic Buy has BEGUN, peeps.
« Reply #102 on: Wed, 18 March 2020, 03:35:42 »

killing peoples is what they like best,

Who likes that best? Enlighten us.

It's been a long time since Kent State, but that doesn't mean something similar can't happen again. Cops kill innocent people on the streets every day and that's just accepted as a part of American life now. Just as there will always be an ongoing war in the Middle East (but when was the last time you heard about that?), or the rain forest still burning and oil still spilling into out oceans, or some corrupt banker pulling strings on out daily lives getting off with a slap on the wrist, boy howdy it's been a while since the last mass shooting hasn't it? Now this virus ****. We are being systematically numbed for the big cow catcher finale.

Offline iri

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Re: Panic Buy has BEGUN, peeps.
« Reply #103 on: Wed, 18 March 2020, 06:51:01 »
Some UK supermarket chains limit sales of food items, fantastic.

I'm all for the measures put in place so far. I almost wish they would do it every cold/flu season. I'm already screwed for the better part of a month whenever I catch anything respiratory
Is there flu vaccination available where you live?
(...)Whereas back then I wrote about the tyranny of the majority, today I'd combine that with the tyranny of the minorities. These days, you have to be careful of both. They both want to control you. The first group, by making you do the same thing over and over again. The second group is indicated by the letters I get from the Vassar girls who want me to put more women's lib in The Martian Chronicles, or from blacks who want more black people in Dandelion Wine.
I say to both bunches, Whether you're a majority or minority, bug off! To hell with anybody who wants to tell me what to write. Their society breaks down into subsections of minorities who then, in effect, burn books by banning them. All this political correctness that's rampant on campuses is b.s.

-Ray Bradbury

Offline JP

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Re: Panic Buy has BEGUN, peeps.
« Reply #104 on: Wed, 18 March 2020, 08:34:55 »
All stocked on guns, ammo, and TP. 'Murica  :thumb:
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Offline Maledicted

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Re: Panic Buy has BEGUN, peeps.
« Reply #105 on: Wed, 18 March 2020, 08:47:29 »
How long do you think it will be before martial law kicks in and the national guard is putting plastic over our houses and shooting us if we leave?

That costs money, they couldn't possibly afford it.

killing peoples is what they like best, it is like training, and they can also enroll hunters to help i would not be surprised if it goes on for too long, north corea is already doing it

You live in Europe, correct? Maybe you would need to live here to understand, but most of the people in the military are there because they care very much about this country, and what it was founded on. This is also (mostly) the case with the police. The same is the case for most people who own firearms. I think that there would be a schism within the military if such orders came down to begin with, and those who do comply will be facing down literally everyone else who is armed, as they care very much about the constitution, and our constitution, uniquely, gives the citizens not just the right, but the obligation, to resist tyranny.

You can say whatever you like about whatever supposed reputation they have in foreign countries, especially the middle east, where literally anybody could be hiding a weapon or bomb, lying in wait, but the situation would be very different within the continental U.S.

I do think that Saddam, literally being a genocidal maniac who used chemical weapons on the Kurds, burying them by the thousands at a time, needed what was coming to him, but I also know that nothing could ever have been resolved permanently in the middle east because the Treaty of Versailles had already destabilized that region with its arbitrary redrawing of all borders based on European spheres of influence, and disregarding religious and ethnic sensitivities. We would literally need to redraw the entire map again, and that's not happening in the modern world without another major conflict.

Some UK supermarket chains limit sales of food items, fantastic.

I'm all for the measures put in place so far. I almost wish they would do it every cold/flu season. I'm already screwed for the better part of a month whenever I catch anything respiratory
Is there flu vaccination available where you live?

Flus, to my knowledge, don't hit me that bad. Colds do, for whatever reason, since the same thing usually happens at least once a cold season regardless of whether or not I get a flu vaccine. I stopped bothering, since I figure if I'm fortunate enough to get the flu, I can at least breathe easy for the next week or two and not have to worry about getting a cold, and then pneumonia, or anything again.

Offline Findecanor

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Re: Panic Buy has BEGUN, peeps.
« Reply #106 on: Wed, 18 March 2020, 09:17:44 »
My local convenience store is also out of all toilet paper now. I used to have a little more confidence in the people in my neighbourhood ... *sigh*

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Re: Panic Buy has BEGUN, peeps.
« Reply #107 on: Wed, 18 March 2020, 09:19:24 »
My local convenience store is also out of all toilet paper now. I used to have a little more confidence in the people in my neighbourhood ... *sigh*

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Offline Maledicted

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Re: Panic Buy has BEGUN, peeps.
« Reply #108 on: Wed, 18 March 2020, 10:04:22 »
My local convenience store is also out of all toilet paper now. I used to have a little more confidence in the people in my neighbourhood ... *sigh*

I have no faith in humanity as a whole, 0. Never have. If there was any reason to have faith in humanity, we would all already be living in some global socialist utopia ... and it would actually function efficiently. War would also be extinct. Those things will never happen.

AI will save us from ourselves

I do agree with you, at least in concept. In practice, I don't think that that's likely to ever happen either, unless you're still talking about genocide of the human race and total replacement by machines with no purpose.

I think a truly objective, ai, with balanced moral proclivities, and being given total control over policy making, is literally our only option for a perfectly balanced society and government structure. I'm not sure that programming is even capable of creating such a thing, and even if it is, that it will ever happen, and especially continue to function as designed without something terrible happening.
« Last Edit: Wed, 18 March 2020, 10:12:51 by Maledicted »

Offline phinix

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Re: Panic Buy has BEGUN, peeps.
« Reply #109 on: Wed, 18 March 2020, 10:18:25 »
Now they shutting down schools in Scotland.

Tried to do some online grocery shopping - deliveries delayed for 2 weeks...
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Offline Maledicted

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Re: Panic Buy has BEGUN, peeps.
« Reply #110 on: Wed, 18 March 2020, 10:19:56 »
Now they shutting down schools in Scotland.

Tried to do some online grocery shopping - deliveries delayed for 2 weeks...

Better safe than sorry. We don't want what is happening in Italy to happen anywhere else.

Offline Findecanor

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Re: Panic Buy has BEGUN, peeps.
« Reply #111 on: Wed, 18 March 2020, 10:53:53 »
You live in Europe, correct? Maybe you would need to live here to understand, but most of the people in the military are there because they care very much about this country, and what it was founded on.
The last part "what is was founded on" bugs me. Because of many things I hear about modern-day US that sounds just like empty words, not ideals that are actually upheld. USA seems mostly like a corrupt nation now, run by corporate interests, and that includes what the government orders the US military to do.
But yeah, you also have a great amount of internal propaganda to uphold the belief within your own population of living in the "best of all possible worlds". The rest of the world has seen it because you have exported a whole lot of media containing it.

I know many US citizens enter the military also for a career opportunity. I think many enter for varying degrees of all three reasons mentioned.

I do think that Saddam, literally being a genocidal maniac who used chemical weapons on the Kurds, burying them by the thousands at a time, needed what was coming to him, but I also know that nothing could ever have been resolved permanently in the middle east because the Treaty of Versailles had already destabilized that region with its arbitrary redrawing of all borders based on European spheres of influence, and disregarding religious and ethnic sensitivities.
Saddam was a tyrant, yes, but I don't agree that he was a maniac. He did manage to keep opposing forces within the country in check, and BTW, he did actually use that same argument as justification for some of his actions.

What the British did a hundred years ago does not change that the US were in charge of Iraq last, and completely mismanaged the country after the invasion. A whole lot has been studied and written about it. The US invasion is what allowed Daesh/ISIL/ISIS (whatever you want to call it) to rise up, and is therefore indirectly a reason why the war in Syria has been going on for as long as it has.

And don't forget that the US invasion of Iraq had not been to save the world and the peoples of Iraq from a tyrant, but simply because of corporate greed - to seize their oil.
If you haven't already, go read up on the organisation Project for the New  American Century. Too few "americans" seem to know about it. During the '90s, they had lobbied the Clinton administration to invade the Middle East and install puppet regimes to safeguard a steady oil supply to the US.
They had been completely open: with a public web site, with their manifesto and members. In January 2001, several official founding members got installed at high-ranking positions in the US government and Pentagon, including the offices of vice president and secretary of defence. (There are even those who say that a group with several  PNAC members had chosen GWB as their front-man, and not the other way around.)
In June 2001, the administration retreated from the Kyoto protocol (despite GWB not disbelieving anthropogenic global warming: he's not an idiot) and the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, and introduced the Bush Doctrine of a policy that allowed preemptive war. I'm not a conspiracy nut, but 9/11 was very convenient for them. A military operation in Afghanistan had already been in the works as a punitive expedition against the Taliban for them having refused an oil pipeline through their territory. In 2002, the administration also in-effect withdrew from the Rome statute of the ICC — in effect declaring "we may allow our soldiers to perform war crimes".
If the US hadn't royally screwed up ... PNAC's plans had also included an invasion of Iran, launched from Iraq and Afghanistan.
But you never heard of PNAC in US "news" did you ...

... our constitution, uniquely, gives the citizens not just the right, but the obligation, to resist tyranny.
Then why don't you?

Offline iri

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Re: Panic Buy has BEGUN, peeps.
« Reply #112 on: Wed, 18 March 2020, 16:45:13 »
My local convenience store is also out of all toilet paper now. I used to have a little more confidence in the people in my neighbourhood ... *sigh*
I've been to four large supermarkets yesterday. They are out of almost anything healthy you can eat.

And toilet paper.
(...)Whereas back then I wrote about the tyranny of the majority, today I'd combine that with the tyranny of the minorities. These days, you have to be careful of both. They both want to control you. The first group, by making you do the same thing over and over again. The second group is indicated by the letters I get from the Vassar girls who want me to put more women's lib in The Martian Chronicles, or from blacks who want more black people in Dandelion Wine.
I say to both bunches, Whether you're a majority or minority, bug off! To hell with anybody who wants to tell me what to write. Their society breaks down into subsections of minorities who then, in effect, burn books by banning them. All this political correctness that's rampant on campuses is b.s.

-Ray Bradbury

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: Panic Buy has BEGUN, peeps.
« Reply #113 on: Wed, 18 March 2020, 18:09:37 »
not just the right, but the obligation, to resist tyranny.
Then why don't you?

Unfortunately, the Radical Right has defined the imaginary "Deep State" as tyrannical and defined domestic terrorism with the intent of inciting civil war as legitimate "resistance" to it.

Truly frightening stuff.

"It's 110, but it doesn't feel it to me, right. If anybody goes down. Everybody was so worried yesterday about you and they never mentioned me. I'm up here sweating like a dog. They don’t think about me. This is hard work.
Do you feel the breeze? I don't want anybody going on me. We need every voter. I don't care about you. I just want your vote. I don't care."
- Donald Trump - Las Vegas 2024-06-09

Offline Maledicted

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Re: Panic Buy has BEGUN, peeps.
« Reply #114 on: Wed, 18 March 2020, 21:54:21 »
You live in Europe, correct? Maybe you would need to live here to understand, but most of the people in the military are there because they care very much about this country, and what it was founded on.
The last part "what is was founded on" bugs me. Because of many things I hear about modern-day US that sounds just like empty words, not ideals that are actually upheld. USA seems mostly like a corrupt nation now, run by corporate interests, and that includes what the government orders the US military to do.
But yeah, you also have a great amount of internal propaganda to uphold the belief within your own population of living in the "best of all possible worlds". The rest of the world has seen it because you have exported a whole lot of media containing it.

I know many US citizens enter the military also for a career opportunity. I think many enter for varying degrees of all three reasons mentioned.

I do think that Saddam, literally being a genocidal maniac who used chemical weapons on the Kurds, burying them by the thousands at a time, needed what was coming to him, but I also know that nothing could ever have been resolved permanently in the middle east because the Treaty of Versailles had already destabilized that region with its arbitrary redrawing of all borders based on European spheres of influence, and disregarding religious and ethnic sensitivities.
Saddam was a tyrant, yes, but I don't agree that he was a maniac. He did manage to keep opposing forces within the country in check, and BTW, he did actually use that same argument as justification for some of his actions.

What the British did a hundred years ago does not change that the US were in charge of Iraq last, and completely mismanaged the country after the invasion. A whole lot has been studied and written about it. The US invasion is what allowed Daesh/ISIL/ISIS (whatever you want to call it) to rise up, and is therefore indirectly a reason why the war in Syria has been going on for as long as it has.

And don't forget that the US invasion of Iraq had not been to save the world and the peoples of Iraq from a tyrant, but simply because of corporate greed - to seize their oil.
If you haven't already, go read up on the organisation Project for the New  American Century. Too few "americans" seem to know about it. During the '90s, they had lobbied the Clinton administration to invade the Middle East and install puppet regimes to safeguard a steady oil supply to the US.
They had been completely open: with a public web site, with their manifesto and members. In January 2001, several official founding members got installed at high-ranking positions in the US government and Pentagon, including the offices of vice president and secretary of defence. (There are even those who say that a group with several  PNAC members had chosen GWB as their front-man, and not the other way around.)
In June 2001, the administration retreated from the Kyoto protocol (despite GWB not disbelieving anthropogenic global warming: he's not an idiot) and the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, and introduced the Bush Doctrine of a policy that allowed preemptive war. I'm not a conspiracy nut, but 9/11 was very convenient for them. A military operation in Afghanistan had already been in the works as a punitive expedition against the Taliban for them having refused an oil pipeline through their territory. In 2002, the administration also in-effect withdrew from the Rome statute of the ICC — in effect declaring "we may allow our soldiers to perform war crimes".
If the US hadn't royally screwed up ... PNAC's plans had also included an invasion of Iran, launched from Iraq and Afghanistan.
But you never heard of PNAC in US "news" did you ...

... our constitution, uniquely, gives the citizens not just the right, but the obligation, to resist tyranny.
Then why don't you?

Well, this will be a fun one, to be sure. Empty words? I'm almost inclined to agree with you, but then again, I'm not entirely sure that we would even mean the same things when we say that. Could you elaborate?

Well, we've been a corrupt nation for almost as long as we've existed, since Madison never intended for us to be inseparably chained to a ceaselessly, irrationally, dogmatic two party system. There was corruption during the time of Lincoln ... and especially before, and that of Grant. There was certainly corruption during the time of Teddy Roosevelt, over one century ago, much of which was his focus as president, as a matter of fact. There was corruption during the time of FDR, Nixon, Johnson, and JFK, for certain. I imagine that's the case with most any president that you can name, although that corruption didn't always lead to the oval office itself. I'll leave it at that for now, other than to further summarize that I feel that this country was a beautiful idea, with a wonderful constitution, ruined soon after by pointless partisan politics, and certainly corruption of all kinds otherwise.

I'm not sure what it is that you mean by "the best of all possible worlds". I imagine a New Yorker may think that way ... when referring to their hell hole as the "greatest city in the world". I don't think that true Americans care too much about greatness. America is an idea, not a place, and not a people. An ideal. We have no shortage of propaganda, that is to be sure, but I don't see pointless, misguided vanity as intentional propaganda.

Yes, I would agree that some may do it simply as a career, without any patriotic influence whatsoever, although most that do choose it primarily as a career are also influenced to do so because of their ideals. What exactly is this illusive third reason?

I'm not sure how anyone can be a tyrant but not simultaneously a maniac. The man was a mass murderer. He had 0 real justification for his methods. Iraq, as it is drawn on the map, should not exist. I'll spell this out again, since this seems to have been entirely lost in translation: Sadam's Iraq should never have existed, Iraq as it is today should not exist either. That's literally all I said in my previous post. All of the territorial borders in the middle east are fubar. Wars literally will not cease until, if ever, that is resolved. We've done nothing at all in pursuit of this goal, just topple dictators and try to force fit Democracy.

The British were not all that were involved in Versailles, most of the major players of the Entente were ... even though this was technically an armistice. And its collective stupidity has caused the deaths of what we may be able to amount to hundreds of millions of people, if we can even consider the rises of Mao and, most definitely Hitler as unfortunate ripple effects ... as WW2 itself was also a direct result of Versailles, hindsight being 20/20.

We, as a global community (if even appropriate) didn't destroy ISIS decisively when we had the chance. We certainly even should have either moved on Syria when we had the opportunity, or left the region once Russia did. That awkward revival of the Cold War didn't help matters. Though, if not ISIS, it would have been Bin Laden's al-Qaeda, and if/when we've left that mad house, it will be someone else, possibly Iran, or the Taliban, if they ever recover. Maybe even our great "friends", the Saudis. We've certainly ruined any chances for regional stability by abandoning the Kurds and letting Iraq, Turkey, and Syria, walk all over them when we had the chance to prevent it in all cases. Our problems in that area, as a nation, actually began, at the very least, with our proxy meddling in Russia's invasion of Afghanistan and/or subsequent involvement in Kuwait, maybe even, to a lesser degree, the rise of Israel, and our support of it, throughout the Cold War. You sure do try to simplify an extremely complex situation though.

I read the entirety of your link. Do you have any evidence that the invasion of Iraq actually had anything to do with the acquisition of oil? It was mentioned once, as a minor point, in the 1990s. I imagine so as to keep oil, which is money ... which is power, away from Saddam. You do know that the U.S. has its own vast untapped oil reserves, correct? We're capable of being entirely self-sufficient, and have actually finally begun exporting oil again ourselves in recent years, so the pursuit of foreign oil is a fundamentally silly conspiracy theory, although PNAC did certainly have some silly goals as it is. I disagree, unequivocally, with everything that PNAC stood for, by the way, and I couldn't really care less about them.

In January 2001, several official founding members got installed at high-ranking positions in the US government and Pentagon, including the offices of vice president and secretary of defence.

Prominent Republicans, many of whom have been a part of various presidential cabinets for decades ... were again given prominent cabinet positions in the GWB administration ... you don't say. Imagine that.

(There are even those who say that a group with several  PNAC members had chosen GWB as their front-man, and not the other way around.)

I'm sorry, but didn't you say that you're not one for conspiracy theories? I'm seriously just going to leave that one alone, although it is apparent by now that both parties try to preclude those candidates that those with the power dislike. GWB was a popular governor, and had a razor sharp wit, especially in debates. The propaganda that tried to portray him as an idiot was pathetic, even then. I can't think of a better candidate for that race, and I'm not even a Republican. I do sincerely hope you don't think 9/11 was an inside job. I can think of few more ridiculous conspiracy theories, from either supposed side of our imaginary political spectrum of left and right.

I don't care about those treaties. Withdrawing support from the Rome Statute could mean a lot of things, one being some bizarre desire to arbitrarily commit war crimes, I suppose, in your own presupposition. I'm mildly interested in what you further claim about PNAC, for the sake of history, although, on the whole, I don't care at all about PNAC, or whatever hairbrained ideas they may have had. The end of Iran as a state would sure be nice though. Syria, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia too. I don't recall hearing about PNAC, maybe I have, maybe I haven't. I know I certainly wouldn't have remembered if I had. I don't watch the "news". I would say whatever you may mean by the "news", but your political leanings have made that apparent.

Why don't I, specifically, resist tyranny? What tyranny do you suggest that I resist? Did you read the rest of the comment chain in which we were literally talking about the national guard shooting U.S. citizens on sight for leaving their homes?

not just the right, but the obligation, to resist tyranny.
Then why don't you?

Unfortunately, the Radical Right has defined the imaginary "Deep State" as tyrannical and defined domestic terrorism with the intent of inciting civil war as legitimate "resistance" to it.

Truly frightening stuff.

I'm not sure that I even want to try to think about what it is that you're actually implying here. The sooner we finally end this left and right nonsense, the better.

« Last Edit: Wed, 18 March 2020, 22:31:13 by Maledicted »

Offline fanpeople

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Re: Panic Buy has BEGUN, peeps.
« Reply #115 on: Wed, 18 March 2020, 22:06:00 »

killing peoples is what they like best,

Who likes that best? Enlighten us.

the American military have somewhat of a reputation, at least outside of the US "shoot 1st, ask questions later", actually pretty much any military seems pretty happy killing, i know that does not apply to everyone in there but there is peoples that goes there just to have a chance to kill.

The function of a military is to apply lethal force and the threat of lethal force so as to forward state policy. If a military is committed to a conflict, it is going to kill people in the process. If a military was not "happy" killing then it would be ineffective in this role. I would argue that because the US is essentially the owner and most equipped during these conflicts, they end up supplying the majority of heavy support and pushing for gains in seriously conflicted areas. These are the situations where a lot of civilians are killed and soldiers are most on edge. Therefore they are making decisions that any other military would, if they were in that position and had that capability.

I am not making a normative judgement of the legitimacy of these conflicts in the aforementioned. I personally believe that drone strikes outside of conventional military use are illegitimate and criminal. I don't believe that invading Iraq was the right thing to do. I believe that by invading Iraq, the western world contributed to destabilization of that region. I believe that murders during war should be prosecuted and real punishments handed out. Many states have contributed forces over the years and the only reason they have escaped this "reputation" is because it has been a token effort in a token area. Alternatively they have not recorded their crimes or they are yet to be revealed as people get older and their conscious takes over.

You do not speak for the personal motivations of every individual soldier, sailor and airmen; which your initial statement implies. There are a million reasons for someone to enlist/commission. There are people that join for citizenship, remove themselves from poverty, a sense of duty, family history, travel, limited employment opportunities, education entitlements, sense of adventure, operate large machinery that they would otherwise not get to operate and to kill people.

The poor mental health of many veterans is a pretty good indicator that there are plenty of individuals that are not alright with killing people. The fact that a lot of individuals take up jobs that are non combat related indicates that there are many people in the military that do not in fact join for the chance to kill people. Do you understand the concept of dark humour and its role as a coping mechanism? Is it possible that the videos you see of military personally mouthing off in celebration of killing is actually them trying to reconcile what they have just done. Is it possible that a lot of people are trying to act the way they think they are supposed to act at that time? Is it possible that 18-22 year old people have no ****ing clue as to what they actually desire and are mirroring a tough Hollywood persona?

For those that actually want to kill people, would a job where they have a chance to legally do this be so bad? Would you rather them get their jollies off in a structured environment or down a back alley with a socially disadvantaged hooker?

There is a bit of a history in Australia of volunteer firefighters being found responsible for starting fires. Does this mean all volunteer firefighters are arsonists?

I am not from the United States yet I find your statement offensive. We could get into the exploits and reputations of various states of the European Union if you want but I would imagine it would get hostile pretty quickly and this is a keyboard forum, not /pol.

Just to clarify, I have absolutely no problem with people voicing their distaste for any military deployment, decision, cases of potential war crimes etc. but "killing peoples is what they like best" in reference to the collective that end up at the coal face of war is childish.

Offline noisyturtle

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Re: Panic Buy has BEGUN, peeps.
« Reply #116 on: Wed, 18 March 2020, 22:10:00 »
Welp it's official, the grocery store was out of tp and there was a wait list for when they restock at 5 am. One 4 pack literally lasts me like 2 months, how much do yall really think you're gonna **** in the next 6 weeks?

Offline Maledicted

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Re: Panic Buy has BEGUN, peeps.
« Reply #117 on: Wed, 18 March 2020, 22:42:11 »
Welp it's official, the grocery store was out of tp and there was a wait list for when they restock at 5 am. One 4 pack literally lasts me like 2 months, how much do yall really think you're gonna **** in the next 6 weeks?

I hear Ebay is practically shutting down, but Amazon may still have it, if they consider it "essential". I have actually gotten that on Amazon before because it was a lot cheaper than the store at the time. I would get what you can now. I imagine things will get worse before they get better. We're definitely going to have a huge surplus of hand sanitizer and toilet paper in a few weeks though.

Offline suicidal_orange

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Re: Panic Buy has BEGUN, peeps.
« Reply #118 on: Thu, 19 March 2020, 07:22:35 »
Welp it's official, the grocery store was out of tp and there was a wait list for when they restock at 5 am. One 4 pack literally lasts me like 2 months, how much do yall really think you're gonna **** in the next 6 weeks?
I got a novelty toilet roll for Christmas and started using it straight away, it lasted well into February.  I guess we're lucky we don't use some everytime we visit a toilet like the ladies but even so the hoarding seems ridiculous.

I hear Ebay is practically shutting down
Still plenty of new items being added 'cash on collection only' on ebay UK.  Not only are you going out and visiting strangers you're handing them money which is a known transmitter of disease at the best of times - doesn't quite line up with official advice :))
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Offline Maledicted

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Re: Panic Buy has BEGUN, peeps.
« Reply #119 on: Thu, 19 March 2020, 08:15:11 »
Welp it's official, the grocery store was out of tp and there was a wait list for when they restock at 5 am. One 4 pack literally lasts me like 2 months, how much do yall really think you're gonna **** in the next 6 weeks?
I got a novelty toilet roll for Christmas and started using it straight away, it lasted well into February.  I guess we're lucky we don't use some everytime we visit a toilet like the ladies but even so the hoarding seems ridiculous.

I hear Ebay is practically shutting down
Still plenty of new items being added 'cash on collection only' on ebay UK.  Not only are you going out and visiting strangers you're handing them money which is a known transmitter of disease at the best of times - doesn't quite line up with official advice :))

I use mostly credit. I have rarely ever carried cash myself. I imagine that's better, being that a card is easier to wipe down. I just slathered hand sanitizer all over it last night. lol

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: Panic Buy has BEGUN, peeps.
« Reply #120 on: Thu, 19 March 2020, 08:29:32 »
When the stores start running out of food, the TP problem will go away.

"It's 110, but it doesn't feel it to me, right. If anybody goes down. Everybody was so worried yesterday about you and they never mentioned me. I'm up here sweating like a dog. They don’t think about me. This is hard work.
Do you feel the breeze? I don't want anybody going on me. We need every voter. I don't care about you. I just want your vote. I don't care."
- Donald Trump - Las Vegas 2024-06-09

Offline Maledicted

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Re: Panic Buy has BEGUN, peeps.
« Reply #121 on: Thu, 19 March 2020, 09:14:28 »
When the stores start running out of food, the TP problem will go away.

Good point. I imagine the panic buying will slow though, eventually once people start realizing that it isn't exactly a great idea to be going to the store once there are confirmed cases in your area.

Offline iri

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Re: Panic Buy has BEGUN, peeps.
« Reply #122 on: Thu, 19 March 2020, 14:14:42 »
There are confirmed cases in my area and I still go shopping.
(...)Whereas back then I wrote about the tyranny of the majority, today I'd combine that with the tyranny of the minorities. These days, you have to be careful of both. They both want to control you. The first group, by making you do the same thing over and over again. The second group is indicated by the letters I get from the Vassar girls who want me to put more women's lib in The Martian Chronicles, or from blacks who want more black people in Dandelion Wine.
I say to both bunches, Whether you're a majority or minority, bug off! To hell with anybody who wants to tell me what to write. Their society breaks down into subsections of minorities who then, in effect, burn books by banning them. All this political correctness that's rampant on campuses is b.s.

-Ray Bradbury

Offline noisyturtle

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Re: Panic Buy has BEGUN, peeps.
« Reply #123 on: Thu, 19 March 2020, 14:36:12 »
There are confirmed cases in my area and I still go shopping.

The thing most people don't seem to comprehend is that it's really not bad out there at all. The virus is not very dangerous, and the chances of you getting it are slim.
All these measures and tactics are almost completely preventative. Meaning it's not even remotely as bad out there as people think in their minds, not even close to as dangerous, but it could BECOME that without preventative measures to stop the virus now.
Anyone freaking out like there's an actual pandemic going on is just stupid, sorry to say, but what isn't stupid is cutting the fuse before the bomb goes off. So if that takes media fear saturation on a global scale that's what needs to happen. If most people were told there is potential for it to become a global pandemic most would selfishly take that chance. It's actually very smart the way they are playing this up to trick people into cooperating. People don't like being told white lies, but it's literally for their own safety.

Offline Maledicted

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Re: Panic Buy has BEGUN, peeps.
« Reply #124 on: Thu, 19 March 2020, 14:41:26 »
There are confirmed cases in my area and I still go shopping.

I haven't been in a store in weeks ... because I rarely ever go to the store anyway. I am still tempted to try to get some more shelf-stable food though so that I can draw that out even further. Most of it was being lazy and eating from drive-throughs every single day, and that's probably a terrible idea now with all of the traffic those places get. I imagine drive-through workers and cashiers in high traffic stores are exposed to more pathogens than anybody else.

The thing most people don't seem to comprehend is that it's really not bad out there at all. The virus is not very dangerous, and the chances of you getting it are slim.
All these measures and tactics are almost completely preventative. Meaning it's not even remotely as bad out there as people think in their minds, not even close to as dangerous, but it could BECOME that without preventative measures to stop the virus now.
Anyone freaking out like there's an actual pandemic going on is just stupid, sorry to say, but what isn't stupid is cutting the fuse before the bomb goes off. So if that takes media fear saturation on a global scale that's what needs to happen. If most people were told there is potential for it to become a global pandemic most would selfishly take that chance. It's actually very smart the way they are playing this up to trick people into cooperating. People don't like being told white lies, but it's literally for their own safety.

Agreed. I actually still think of it as very dangerous though, just not necessarily for yourself. A bunch of stupid kids going and partying on spring break are very dangerous for literally anyone with heart, lung, or immune system problems, and the elderly, who may interact with them, or who may interact with those who interact with them ... or those who interact with those who interact with them, etc.

Offline iri

  • Posts: 998
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Re: Panic Buy has BEGUN, peeps.
« Reply #125 on: Thu, 19 March 2020, 16:09:01 »
There are confirmed cases in my area and I still go shopping.

The thing most people don't seem to comprehend is that it's really not bad out there at all. The virus is not very dangerous, and the chances of you getting it are slim.
All these measures and tactics are almost completely preventative. Meaning it's not even remotely as bad out there as people think in their minds, not even close to as dangerous, but it could BECOME that without preventative measures to stop the virus now.
Anyone freaking out like there's an actual pandemic going on is just stupid, sorry to say, but what isn't stupid is cutting the fuse before the bomb goes off. So if that takes media fear saturation on a global scale that's what needs to happen. If most people were told there is potential for it to become a global pandemic most would selfishly take that chance. It's actually very smart the way they are playing this up to trick people into cooperating. People don't like being told white lies, but it's literally for their own safety.
COVID-19 is about 40 times as deadly as H1N1. There is no vaccine for COVID-19 and no antiviral.

Regardless, you can treat the current situation as a drill for a potential actually dangerous pandemic.
(...)Whereas back then I wrote about the tyranny of the majority, today I'd combine that with the tyranny of the minorities. These days, you have to be careful of both. They both want to control you. The first group, by making you do the same thing over and over again. The second group is indicated by the letters I get from the Vassar girls who want me to put more women's lib in The Martian Chronicles, or from blacks who want more black people in Dandelion Wine.
I say to both bunches, Whether you're a majority or minority, bug off! To hell with anybody who wants to tell me what to write. Their society breaks down into subsections of minorities who then, in effect, burn books by banning them. All this political correctness that's rampant on campuses is b.s.

-Ray Bradbury

Offline suicidal_orange

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Re: Panic Buy has BEGUN, peeps.
« Reply #126 on: Thu, 19 March 2020, 19:46:42 »
I hear Ebay is practically shutting down
Still plenty of new items being added 'cash on collection only' on ebay UK.  Not only are you going out and visiting strangers you're handing them money which is a known transmitter of disease at the best of times - doesn't quite line up with official advice :))
I use mostly credit. I have rarely ever carried cash myself. I imagine that's better, being that a card is easier to wipe down. I just slathered hand sanitizer all over it last night. lol
I'm one of those annoying people who tries to maintain some semblance of privacy against profiling by buying as much as possible with cash, I'd be happily going to a stranger's house and buying stuff were it not for uncertainty about getting paid at the end of April.  At least the £20 notes are all new and shiny at the moment and now all notes are plastic I guess they too could have a hand sanitiser bath.
« Last Edit: Thu, 19 March 2020, 19:50:24 by suicidal_orange »
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Offline meiosis

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Re: Panic Buy has BEGUN, peeps.
« Reply #127 on: Thu, 19 March 2020, 19:51:07 »
yo kanna tho
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Offline Maledicted

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Re: Panic Buy has BEGUN, peeps.
« Reply #128 on: Fri, 20 March 2020, 08:07:44 »
I hear Ebay is practically shutting down
Still plenty of new items being added 'cash on collection only' on ebay UK.  Not only are you going out and visiting strangers you're handing them money which is a known transmitter of disease at the best of times - doesn't quite line up with official advice :))
I use mostly credit. I have rarely ever carried cash myself. I imagine that's better, being that a card is easier to wipe down. I just slathered hand sanitizer all over it last night. lol
I'm one of those annoying people who tries to maintain some semblance of privacy against profiling by buying as much as possible with cash, I'd be happily going to a stranger's house and buying stuff were it not for uncertainty about getting paid at the end of April.  At least the £20 notes are all new and shiny at the moment and now all notes are plastic I guess they too could have a hand sanitiser bath.

Alas, I live in 'Murica. Our money looks pretty much like it did over 100 years ago.

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Panic Buy has BEGUN, peeps.
« Reply #129 on: Fri, 20 March 2020, 08:11:09 »
I'm one of those annoying people who tries to maintain some semblance of privacy against profiling by buying as much as possible with cash, I'd be happily going to a stranger's house and buying stuff were it not for uncertainty about getting paid at the end of April.  At least the £20 notes are all new and shiny at the moment and now all notes are plastic I guess they too could have a hand sanitiser bath.

Tp4 rarely goes no where, because heck, you go some where and you can get murdeadr.

Offline Maledicted

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Re: Panic Buy has BEGUN, peeps.
« Reply #130 on: Fri, 20 March 2020, 08:22:37 »
I'm one of those annoying people who tries to maintain some semblance of privacy against profiling by buying as much as possible with cash, I'd be happily going to a stranger's house and buying stuff were it not for uncertainty about getting paid at the end of April.  At least the £20 notes are all new and shiny at the moment and now all notes are plastic I guess they too could have a hand sanitiser bath.

Tp4 rarely goes no where, because heck, you go some where and you can get murdeadr.

Do you live in a bad area? I have a CCW, and try to carry any time I'm not at work, since gun free zones. I live in a pretty safe community too, We've had 2 murders in the last 40 years. I just figure you're better off having a tool that you don't need, vs the unfortunate reverse situation.
« Last Edit: Fri, 20 March 2020, 08:25:14 by Maledicted »

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Panic Buy has BEGUN, peeps.
« Reply #131 on: Fri, 20 March 2020, 08:45:12 »
Do you live in a bad area? I have a CCW, and try to carry any time I'm not at work, since gun free zones. I live in a pretty safe community too, We've had 2 murders in the last 40 years. I just figure you're better off having a tool that you don't need, vs the unfortunate reverse situation.

2 that are known to the cops, and that they didn't commit themselves that is..

/Shifty eyes.

Offline Maledicted

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Re: Panic Buy has BEGUN, peeps.
« Reply #132 on: Fri, 20 March 2020, 09:33:46 »
Do you live in a bad area? I have a CCW, and try to carry any time I'm not at work, since gun free zones. I live in a pretty safe community too, We've had 2 murders in the last 40 years. I just figure you're better off having a tool that you don't need, vs the unfortunate reverse situation.

2 that are known to the cops, and that they didn't commit themselves that is..

/Shifty eyes.

True, there have been a few disappearances as well, although not many that I'm aware of. There's a woman that vanished without a trace at least 25 years ago now. They still put up posters in town. I get a weird feeling near a park near our house in town, and I know multiple people that seem to hear the same female scream come from its direction late at night from time to time. I have heard it from our backyard, and I have heard it walking on the opposite end of the park late at night once as well. Same pitch, same length, etc. I know a lot of people seem to assume that the paranormal is impossible (I find this arbitrary, maybe even out of fear), but I have a hunch that something terrible happened there once, and it may have involved her.

I think the whole police murder thing is overblown (Although there are, of course, exceptions. There are corrupt and/or bigoted officers, just like any other demographic of human beings). Most cases seem to turn out to be justified, and even in cases where people ended up not actually being armed, they usually did something exceedingly stupid to the point that most people, in the shoes of an officer, who is always exposed to unwarranted ambushes, would be inclined to think that they are. Police have every right, and rational reason, to feel uneasy when interacting with people who may feel that they may be under arrest. They shouldn't have to have a hole in them already before they're allowed to react to shifty behavior.

Don't make sudden movements, and especially don't stick your hands in your pockets and/or quickly reach anywhere while talking to them, and you won't be shot. Keep your hands visible. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. The amount of hostility towards police, and all of the arbitrary murders of officers, will only worsen this situation. I think most of them genuinely care about their communities and just want to be sure they're going to make it home to their families at the end of each shift.

I know of 0 police shootings of any kind within my lifetime, in this entire county, but YMMV.
« Last Edit: Fri, 20 March 2020, 09:38:00 by Maledicted »

Offline phinix

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Re: Panic Buy has BEGUN, peeps.
« Reply #133 on: Fri, 20 March 2020, 19:18:24 »
I went to Asda Superstore tonight - 90% stuff is gone, empty shelves.
Maybe 20 people shopped around. Ghost shop...
I haven't seen anything like that in my life.
9100 | 3070 | 8TB SSD + 2x 1TB SSD | Z390 Aorus Pro ITX | 16GB RAM | SFX 600W | Sentry 2.0 | Ruark Audio MR1 Mark II | LG OLED 48CX
Realforce 87u55 | CM QuickFire Rapid MX Blacks | NCR-80 87g Gateron Oil Kings | Drop CSTM80 | Logitech Pro Superlight
SA: Retro Petscii, 7bit Round6 'Symbiosis', Filco, Carbon Bone Cherry: GMK Laser, OG double shot caps, CRP APL GSA: Retro High-light HSA: Hyperfuse

::: Phinix Cube ::: Phinix Nano Tower ::: Phinix Aurora ::: Phinix Chimera ::: Phinix Retro :::

Offline suicidal_orange

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Re: Panic Buy has BEGUN, peeps.
« Reply #134 on: Fri, 20 March 2020, 19:50:36 »
I went to Asda Superstore tonight - 90% stuff is gone, empty shelves.
Maybe 20 people shopped around. Ghost shop...
I haven't seen anything like that in my life.

Will be interesting to see if anything's changed since last week when the shop was pretty much normal, I've been in a 24 hour Tesco at 3 or 4am on a weeknight so I've seen a big shop with no people but the shelves were full.  I'm expecting the alcohol aisle to be empty now they've killed the option of going out but if the whole shop's empty I might have to accept there's a problem.
120/100g linear Zealio R1  
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Offline fohat.digs

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Re: Panic Buy has BEGUN, peeps.
« Reply #135 on: Fri, 20 March 2020, 19:54:25 »

I'm expecting the alcohol aisle to be empty now

Yep, liquor sales are through the roof. I predict that there will be a baby boom in about 9 months, too.
"It's 110, but it doesn't feel it to me, right. If anybody goes down. Everybody was so worried yesterday about you and they never mentioned me. I'm up here sweating like a dog. They don’t think about me. This is hard work.
Do you feel the breeze? I don't want anybody going on me. We need every voter. I don't care about you. I just want your vote. I don't care."
- Donald Trump - Las Vegas 2024-06-09

Offline suicidal_orange

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Re: Panic Buy has BEGUN, peeps.
« Reply #136 on: Fri, 20 March 2020, 20:00:16 »
I predict that there will be a baby boom in about 9 months, too.
Poor kids, they'll only get presents once a year :(
120/100g linear Zealio R1  
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Offline noisyturtle

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Re: Panic Buy has BEGUN, peeps.
« Reply #137 on: Fri, 20 March 2020, 20:26:20 »
Next week's grocery run is gonna be the eye opener... either that or I'll be presently surprised. So far corona hasn't impacted my life at all whatsoever aside from not being able to find the hand sanitizer. The whole thing has been really fun to watch seemingly normal people totally freak out and overreact to, I just hope it doesn't actually last more than another 2-3 weeks. I suspect people will get cabin fever and start getting bored soon, but I don't think most people enjoy living like I have been for the past 6 years by choice. A lot of people cannot take being an isolated hermit, drives 'em nuts.

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Panic Buy has BEGUN, peeps.
« Reply #138 on: Fri, 20 March 2020, 20:30:22 »
Bought extra froot today, but that's bout it.

Offline iri

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Re: Panic Buy has BEGUN, peeps.
« Reply #139 on: Sat, 21 March 2020, 05:04:46 »
Panic buying is abating here. Apparently, people have filled their cupboards with toilet paper and have no more room for stockpiling.
(...)Whereas back then I wrote about the tyranny of the majority, today I'd combine that with the tyranny of the minorities. These days, you have to be careful of both. They both want to control you. The first group, by making you do the same thing over and over again. The second group is indicated by the letters I get from the Vassar girls who want me to put more women's lib in The Martian Chronicles, or from blacks who want more black people in Dandelion Wine.
I say to both bunches, Whether you're a majority or minority, bug off! To hell with anybody who wants to tell me what to write. Their society breaks down into subsections of minorities who then, in effect, burn books by banning them. All this political correctness that's rampant on campuses is b.s.

-Ray Bradbury

Offline Maledicted

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Re: Panic Buy has BEGUN, peeps.
« Reply #140 on: Sat, 21 March 2020, 11:15:41 »
Panic buying is abating here. Apparently, people have filled their cupboards with toilet paper and have no more room for stockpiling.

That or maybe supply is catching up with demand as factories start pumping out more product. Either way, demand will certainly decrease, and supply will be far greater than necessary for some time.

Offline suicidal_orange

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Re: Panic Buy has BEGUN, peeps.
« Reply #141 on: Sat, 21 March 2020, 16:21:19 »
Went shopping today as normal, still no toilet paper and the neighbouring shelves of kitchen roll and tissues were also empty which is worse than last week.  The rest of the shop was noticeably low on stock and there were shelf-stacking trolleys abandoned with popular things on them but the only other things I noticed that you couldn't buy at all were carrots, bleach, soup and normal apple cider, (unless you count strongbow - plenty of that :)))  The queues to pay were also back to normal compared to last week when they were huge.  I saw my first non-Asian in a face mask too.
120/100g linear Zealio R1  
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Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Panic Buy has BEGUN, peeps.
« Reply #142 on: Sat, 21 March 2020, 18:14:39 »

In NewJersey

Stripclubs are closed,  but Marijuana dispensaries stay open

Offline noisyturtle

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Re: Panic Buy has BEGUN, peeps.
« Reply #143 on: Sat, 21 March 2020, 18:37:32 »
Scarier than watching a stock ticker:

Offline suicidal_orange

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Re: Panic Buy has BEGUN, peeps.
« Reply #144 on: Sat, 21 March 2020, 19:00:16 »
Scarier than watching a stock ticker:

Yet of questionable accuracy when it comes to deaths/recovered ratio.  Only people who think they're dying get tested/counted (everyone else is just told to stay at home) and of that small number most don't have it, and 90% of those who do still aren't dying here.  Not sure what they're doing wrong in Italy and Spain...


In NewJersey

Stripclubs are closed,  but Marijuana dispensaries stay open

A guy I know went to the Netherlands to work, he had to buy marijuana from random people in a flat because all the cafe's were closed.  Then he came back early with the job not done and a temperature.  Clever boss :rolleyes:
120/100g linear Zealio R1  
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Offline noisyturtle

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Re: Panic Buy has BEGUN, peeps.
« Reply #145 on: Sat, 21 March 2020, 19:36:53 »
Scarier than watching a stock ticker:
Not sure what they're doing wrong in Italy and Spain...

Those countries are full of old people living in congested areas, I don't think it's more complicated than that in terms of what the stats show.

Offline Leslieann

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Re: Panic Buy has BEGUN, peeps.
« Reply #146 on: Sat, 21 March 2020, 20:30:25 »
Went shopping this morning (in the southwest) as soon as the store opened.
There was no pasta, milk, toilet paper, paper towels, antibacterial soap and hand sanitizer (for you or the store). They had a very limited supply of trash bags, Doritos, donuts, rice and frozen pizzas. The meat section was almost completely wiped out other than some pork (mostly chops) and some expensive organic steaks.

I didn't spend a lot of time looking I got in early and wanted to get what I needed and get out as quick as I could. I started stocking up a few weeks ago and have enough to get by easy for 2-3 weeks and enough for 3-4 (maybe more) if I have to. I just needed to top up after using some in case we go into lockdown and make the ride a bit easier.
Novelkeys NK65AE w/62g Zilents/39g springs
62g Zilents/lubed/Novelkeys 39g springs, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps, Netdot Gen10 magnetic cable, pic
| Filco MJ2 L.E. Vortex Case, Jailhouse Blues, heavily customized
Vortex case squared up/blasted finish removed/custom feet/paint/winkey blockoff plate, HID Liberator, stainless steel universal plate, 3d printed adapters, Type C, Netdot Gen10 magnetic cable, foam sound dampened, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps (o-ringed), Cherry Jailhouse Blues w/lubed/clipped Cherry light springs, 40g actuation
w/ Kailh Purple Pros/lubed/Novelkeys 39g springs, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps, Netdot Gen10 Magnetic cable
| PF65 3d printed 65% w/LCD and hot swap
Box Jades, Interchangeable trim, mini lcd, QMK, underglow, HK Gaming Thick PBT caps, O-rings, Netdot Gen10 magnetic cable, in progress link
| Magicforce 68
MF68 pcb, Outemu Blues, in progress
| YMDK75 Jail Housed Gateron Blues
J-spacers, YMDK Thick PBT, O-rings, SIP sockets
| KBT Race S L.E.
Ergo Clears, custom WASD caps
| Das Pro
Costar model with browns
| GH60
Cherry Blacks, custom 3d printed case
| Logitech Illumininated | IBM Model M (x2)
Definitive Omron Guide. | 3d printed Keyboard FAQ/Discussion

Offline ArchDill

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Re: Panic Buy has BEGUN, peeps.
« Reply #147 on: Sat, 21 March 2020, 21:28:49 »
Went shopping this morning (in the southwest) as soon as the store opened.
There was no pasta, milk, toilet paper, paper towels, antibacterial soap and hand sanitizer (for you or the store). They had a very limited supply of trash bags, Doritos, donuts, rice and frozen pizzas. The meat section was almost completely wiped out other than some pork (mostly chops) and some expensive organic steaks.

I didn't spend a lot of time looking I got in early and wanted to get what I needed and get out as quick as I could. I started stocking up a few weeks ago and have enough to get by easy for 2-3 weeks and enough for 3-4 (maybe more) if I have to. I just needed to top up after using some in case we go into lockdown and make the ride a bit easier.

I work in the food industry, supply chain. We have been out of sanitizer, toilet paper (rolls) and most ground beef since Monday. We are shifting our main focus from restaurants to grocery stores and nursing homes right now to make sure they are supplied.

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Panic Buy has BEGUN, peeps.
« Reply #148 on: Sun, 22 March 2020, 04:44:54 »
I work in the food industry, supply chain. We have been out of sanitizer, toilet paper (rolls) and most ground beef since Monday. We are shifting our main focus from restaurants to grocery stores and nursing homes right now to make sure they are supplied.

How's the dried beans supply/ projections.

Offline Findecanor

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Re: Panic Buy has BEGUN, peeps.
« Reply #149 on: Sun, 22 March 2020, 12:17:32 »
Scarier than watching a stock ticker:
Not sure what they're doing wrong in Italy and Spain...

Those countries are full of old people living in congested areas, I don't think it's more complicated than that in terms of what the stats show.
In Italy, awareness and restrictions on people's movements were too late. People, including a leading politician acted in open defiance of restrictions, despite of, or even provoked by restrictions ... and then got infected. When schools closed, parents took their kids skiing. Italy's health care system got overwhelmed. Most cases in Europe can be tracked to people who visited northern Italy.

Sometimes I weep for humanity. Climate change is still a bigger threat than the virus. While the virus will kill some and make others immune, climate change is on track to destroying the conditions for human life. The economy will of course crash much sooner than that.
« Last Edit: Sun, 22 March 2020, 12:56:40 by Findecanor »