Author Topic: favorite game of all time  (Read 16643 times)

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Offline Tarzan

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Re: favorite game of all time
« Reply #100 on: Fri, 15 March 2013, 13:01:37 »

Freelancer was the first time in my life I was acting as a business man.  On the multi player server I'd go and collect all of the level 10 guns from all of the wrecks under an account called WANTED_CRIMINAL -- the funniest part was that this was an alternate account, I was actually part of the server administrators, responsible for keeping the peace.  Was being a dirty cop in the game :)

I'd then go sell those special weapons back to the people I stole them from, whether I got to the wreck first or whether I killed them and stole the guns from them again :)

WANTED_CRIMINAL, well known on that server for sure.

"Why does he only show up after server restarts?"

Super smash brothers is a classic, although I started to get sick of its simplicity.

Yeah, having players like that in the game is why I stopped playing Eve.

Offline naokira

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Re: favorite game of all time
« Reply #101 on: Fri, 15 March 2013, 13:04:13 »
MMO - Eve Online
PC Other - Freelancer, TF2, The Sims
NES - Battletoads (Yes I am that good.)
N64 - Golden Eye (is there any other acceptable answer?)
PS2 - Klonoa's Revenge (strange one to have as a favorite but I liked it the most)
PS1 - Metal Gear Solid (the original)

Man that metal gear. I remember those days, were all racing to kill liquid to get stealth for the next one. LOL.
Those were the playstation days. Damn good days.
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Offline codymaust

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Re: favorite game of all time
« Reply #102 on: Sat, 16 March 2013, 03:08:00 »

Offline zoolzoo

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Re: favorite game of all time
« Reply #103 on: Sat, 16 March 2013, 05:39:52 »
At the time it came out, HL was like nothing I had experienced before, really. Im not sure that I have felt that way since.

Then add in the countless hours spent playing HL multiplayer mods from CS, to DoD, and more.

Its gotta be HL.
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Offline dorkvader

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Re: favorite game of all time
« Reply #104 on: Wed, 27 March 2013, 13:36:06 »
N64 - Golden Eye (is there any other acceptable answer?)
Perfect Dark? I'm not saying it's better, but I would consider it an acceptable answer.

Just played through it again, so I'm going to have to stay with my choice of Deus Ex for best game. Other games I enjoy:
Monkey Island 1
Chip's Challenge

I just got Bastion from the recent sale, and it's pretty excellent, too.

Offline Internetlad

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Re: favorite game of all time
« Reply #105 on: Thu, 28 March 2013, 12:11:08 »
N64 - Golden Eye (is there any other acceptable answer?)

PD was better. Actual storyline and improved upon the combat. I don't know why people cling to Goldeneye 007 like it's the messiah of N64 games. Sure it was there first, but it didn't do it best. Maybe all the guys who love it so much couldn't afford expansions paks.

NOTE: These are MY favorite games. it only lists games that I have played and love on consoles that I own/owned.

Anyways, back on topic. Only one game? WOW. There are so many that I remember from my childhood, youth and even nowadays.

I think the one game that blew me away the most, the one game i'd have to list as my "All time favorite" was Ace Combat 04. Fantastic game and the PS2 controller was so right to play it. Great graphics, even nowadays. Incredible OST and the way they didn't baby you with this "press the stick sideways to fly sideways" garbage made you know you were playing a real game. None of this handholding bull****, you either learned to play the game properly, or you didn't play the game at all. and what a game. I loved all the Project Aces games even past when the quality started dropping with Zero. I have both for the 360 but never bothered to play em much. The controls just feel off with the staggered sticks. . . I dunno. I must have played through that game from start to finish 7 times.

Maybe i'll hook up my PS2 to the new 47" TV for old times sake tonight. . .

Other honorary mentions:

Killer7 (GCN) : This game is ****ed. Like straight screwed up. nothing about it is mainstream. It's an on-rails, cel-shaded, superstylized puzzle/shooter. It was VERY difficult to get into. I put it down for nearly a year because I got so frustrated. After I picked it up again I played through it at least twice, though. It's got a story to tell, and if you don't understand what's going on that's too bad, because that's Killer7. There are so many things left open to interpretation and nothing is just left on the table for you. This game is more a work of art or philosophy than an actual game, but functions well as both. Fits well into the "Games you've never played, but should" category.

Half Life 2 (PC): Marked my transition from consoles (PS2 and N64) to PC gaming. Got the ultimate pack (probably payed too much) with the Lambda T-shirt (now well loved, worn and full of holes. In all likelihood it ended up as a rag in my dad's shop after being worn for years) and what a game it was. I think I was just as impressed with the PC experience  as much as HL2 itself. The whole thing just blended into one big gamegasm.

Portal (& Portal 2) (PC) : Portal was the REASON I bought the Orange Box, although ultimately I logged far more house in TF2. I remember being on at midnight and being bummed out at 12:01 because I didn't account for the time change for the game to unlock. Stayed up all night and beat the game in one sitting. Fantastic concept, fantastic puzzles and an incredible experience.

Pokemon (Versions Blue, and Silver) (GBC): What needs to be said about pokemon. It's the perfect RPG. 152+ characters to choose from, no two of them alike. A whole ton of out-of-game experience with the TCG, cartoon, talking and trading with friends so it had the social aspect before there WAS a social aspect besides 2 player games. . . Truly a revolutionary RPG, and there's a reason it's a multi-million dollar franchise.

Mario game X (most any nintendo console): With a handful of exceptions, you couldn't name a bad game with "Mario" in the title. My favorites from select generations would have to be SMB3, (NES), Super Mario 64 (N64 derp)  and SM 3D Land was surprisingly good (3DS derp). The torch has been passed. My son plays SM64 on a regular basis, and at the age of 3 and a few months, can "beat the bomb guy" and has won a few races against koopa the quick. I still have to beat bowser for him though so he can watch the end credits.

Super Smash Bros. (N64, GCN, Wii): As noted above, they didn't make a bad Smash game. It's an incredible fighter, and the only one I enjoy because you can move so freely. It's not like most fighters where you're running around and can only jump 2 inches but throw fireballs out of your feet or whatever. It goes all out cartoon. nothing makes sense and it's a total riot. The AI is very competative even at higher levels and the games just keep improving upon themselves. A blast for 2-4 people and a great game to hang out with.

A few other games that influenced my childhood, but I won't go so in-depth about them, are listed here

Jackal (awesome music, Nintendo Hard game.)
Star Soldier (another Nintendo Hard game.)
Faxandu (300 golds?)
Solomon's Key (definition of Ninteno Hard)
Bigfoot (lol)
LoZ 2 (I don't care what you say, it was a good game. Different =/= bad

Sonic 1 & 2, Sonic & Knuckles (HUGE into sonic as a kid, read the comics, role played as him in the backyard, he was just so cool! too he got sold out so hard. He used to be an icon, man)
Toejam & Earl (Jammin'. This game was full of funk. I never really "got" it as a kid, but it's embedded in my mind. If I had a chance to play it today i'm sure i'd still enjoy it.)

Game Gear
Garfield Caught in the AC (Another stinker, but I played it so much as a kid I could probably still run the levels from memory)
Ristar (Got so far, but never beat it. Didn't help the Game Gear ate batteries like a starved hog. 6 AA's aren't cheap!)

Hybrid Heaven (i'm a sucker for stat builders. It wasn't a very good game, but it was pretty memorable for me.)
Jet Force Gemini (in retrospect this was kind of a stinker)
Perfect Dark (Goldeneye as well, since they're the same game, but PD is better. The XBLA version is awesome, but the controls still suck lol)
Pokemon Stadium (You can play the GB version on it and beat the crap out of your buddies in 3D, what's not to love!)

Katamari Damacy (so strange you can't help but love it.)
Ace Combat series (as explained at the start of post.)
Star Ocean: Till the End of Time (weird ass plotline, but I logged 80 hours on it so it must have been good. The weapon statbuilding was cool)
Dark Cloud: (RPG with worldbuilder, unique statbuilding weapons, dynamic dungeons? Yes, Please. Could have done without the multiple characters, though. Always ended up with 2 strong ones and 5 boat anchors)
Gran Turismo 3, 4. (So much love in these games. I love pimping out a used VW jetta and smoking cars 10 years newer than it on the sunday circuit. This game literally taught me probably 80% of what I know about cars and driving in general (how to take turns, general car parts and explinations.))

(GBC) (GB and GBP games are rolled into this since it's what I had and it played all 3.
Most any Kirby game, (yes even the puzzlers and the pinball one. I loved em all.)

Crystalis (great RPG, highly reccomended on any console)
Dragon Warrior 1&2/3 (I played these more than the originals, and appreciated being able to hotsave.)
Game Boy Camera (does this count as a game? I spent way too much time with this thing, and i got it for dirt cheap since they were clearing out at wal-mart)

Golden Sun (such a stellar title. The graphics blew my mind at the time. The plot was great. Combat was a little watery but the Djinn function was very well executed, making you choose between being strong in general, or unleasing ultimate attacks)
Boktai 2 (great fun, and the solar sensor encouraged you to play outside.)

Scribblenauts (not so much fun as a game, but for a sandbox it's a hoot)
Chrono Trigger ( Yeah, I know this is on SNES, but I played it on DS.)

Civilization series (been hooked ever since 3, and I love em all. Still play a full game of 5 GaK weekly or bi-weekly)
X-COM series (Late to the party. Picked up the original on steam a few years back, but I love the new one now too.)
Just Cause 2 (BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM. Basically a god simulator in soldier form. let off some stress by airlifting a car and smashing it into stuff.)

I'm sure there are ones i've missed, and believe it or not, this is a trimmed up list of my favorite and most memorable games. Took probably over an hour to compile but here it is.
Bear in mind that this is almost 25 years of gaming rolled into one post.

TL;DR Ace Combat 04 was great and I play too many video games.

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Offline Internetlad

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Re: favorite game of all time
« Reply #106 on: Thu, 28 March 2013, 12:11:37 »
in after wall of text and double post.
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Offline Grim Fandango

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Re: favorite game of all time
« Reply #107 on: Thu, 28 March 2013, 12:16:25 »
Grim Fandango
The longest journey

Unreal tournament 2k4
Counter Strike
Battlefield 2&3

Final fantasy 6 (3 in the US)

Starcraft 2

I do not play a lot of other genres. DOTA2 might be up there in  a few years, though the MOBA genre is not all that appealing to me.
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Offline Vyr1s

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Re: favorite game of all time
« Reply #108 on: Thu, 28 March 2013, 12:28:33 »
Dragon Warrior - NES

I think this thread is secretly just a way for null to get GH ages ;)

Offline Internetlad

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Re: favorite game of all time
« Reply #109 on: Thu, 28 March 2013, 14:23:55 »
Dragon Warrior - NES

I think this thread is secretly just a way for null to get GH ages ;)

Yeah, it's strange how many kids these days simply do not respect the classics.

Then again, there are some where you go back and the experience is a fraction of your memory. I don't think I could play through a lot of the NES games i'd spent hours on as a kid. . . Like Dragon Warrior for example. Literally the whole game is grinding haha. You want that bamboo sword? Fight slimes in a bush for a half hour. You want that fire sword? Fight goldmen in a bush for a half hour. . . I don't have the patience for that anymore lol. Even Pokemon, which I love, tends to lose my attention because most of the game is tapping the A button to do your next attack.

Those hikers must have it tough.
« Last Edit: Thu, 28 March 2013, 14:25:49 by Internetlad »
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Offline tp4tissue

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Re: favorite game of all time
« Reply #110 on: Thu, 28 March 2013, 16:39:40 »
Dragon Warrior - NES

I think this thread is secretly just a way for null to get GH ages ;)

Yeah, it's strange how many kids these days simply do not respect the classics.

Then again, there are some where you go back and the experience is a fraction of your memory. I don't think I could play through a lot of the NES games i'd spent hours on as a kid. . . Like Dragon Warrior for example. Literally the whole game is grinding haha. You want that bamboo sword? Fight slimes in a bush for a half hour. You want that fire sword? Fight goldmen in a bush for a half hour. . . I don't have the patience for that anymore lol. Even Pokemon, which I love, tends to lose my attention because most of the game is tapping the A button to do your next attack.

Those hikers must have it tough.

no body actually liked pong when it came out... it was played for the lack of any other choices...

do YOU respect the basic scientific calculator?

Offline Internetlad

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Re: favorite game of all time
« Reply #111 on: Thu, 28 March 2013, 17:19:15 »
no body actually liked pong when it came out... it was played for the lack of any other choices... {{Citation needed}}

Fixed that for you.

Also i've alerted Allen Alcorn

He comes.
« Last Edit: Thu, 28 March 2013, 17:23:03 by Internetlad »
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Offline Sifo

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Re: favorite game of all time
« Reply #112 on: Thu, 28 March 2013, 18:59:20 »

Star Ocean: Till the End of Time

Dude. This is the ****.
I love Elzy

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: favorite game of all time
« Reply #113 on: Thu, 28 March 2013, 19:01:08 »

Star Ocean: Till the End of Time

Dude. This is the ****.

If you're a fan of "big-floating numbers" genre.. check out disgaea.. it's got the biggest numbers i've seen

Offline noisyturtle

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Re: favorite game of all time
« Reply #114 on: Thu, 28 March 2013, 20:51:02 »

Star Ocean: Till the End of Time

Dude. This is the ****.

If you're a fan of "big-floating numbers" genre.. check out disgaea.. it's got the biggest numbers i've seen
Or La Pucelle. So many figures. So many....

Offline tricheboars

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Re: favorite game of all time
« Reply #115 on: Thu, 28 March 2013, 20:53:51 »
For reference I am 29 years young.

1.  Final Fantasy 7 on PS1
2.  Half-Life on PC
3.  DOTA 2 on PC
4.  Super Mario World on Super Nintendo
5.  Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past on Super Nintendo
6.  Super Mario Bros 3 on Nintendo
7.  Portal/Portal 2 on PC
8.  Starcraft 2 on PC
9.  New Tetris on Nintendo 64
10.  Goldeneye on Nintendo 64 when I was in 6th/7th grade. Now not so much...

So besides choice #2 and #10 I play all these games still to this day  Although I got bored when going to Knights of the Round on my PSP version of FF7 2 years ago and havent touched it...until NOW!

ahh ****. Metal Gear SOlid on PS1 should be up there too. But that list took me like 10 minutes to make. Some of my head personalities got into major disagreements over this.
« Last Edit: Thu, 28 March 2013, 20:57:14 by tricheboars »
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Offline osxoep

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Re: favorite game of all time
« Reply #116 on: Thu, 28 March 2013, 21:51:56 »
For me it's Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.

I felt a bit let down with KOTOR2 and my heart outright broke after The Old Republic.

Ocarina of Time is a close second with Halo and BioShock Infinite (maybe just because it's fresh in my mind) coming up after that.

Oh and Jet Set Radio (+Future) and SM64 and Pokemon (Gens 1-3).

Gen 3 had the best additions to gameplay and the story was good too, but the 2nd gen will always be my favourite.
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Offline hashbaz

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Re: favorite game of all time
« Reply #117 on: Thu, 28 March 2013, 22:40:18 »
The original Super Mario Kart, Goldeneye on N64, and Starcraft in its various flavors.

Offline Lu_e

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Re: favorite game of all time
« Reply #118 on: Thu, 28 March 2013, 23:01:21 »
My time line;

Rad Racer
Double Dragon II
Die Hard
Gauntlet II

SEGA Genesis
Toe Jam n Earl
Sonic 1, 2
Terminator 2

Mario Kart
Clay Fighter
Super Mario World

Mario Kart
Super Smash Bros

Metal Gear Solid
Need for Speed: High Stakes (I get crazy nostalgia listening to the soundtrack)
Gran Turismo 1, 2

Xbox OG
Halo 1 (couch play with friends <3)
Halo 2 (multiplayer on XBConnect) <probably all time fav/#1, this was before I had LIVE and its basically free live but it was better since it is nothing but custom lobbies/gametypes with your friend list and GUI on your PC for connecting to lobbies, host could boot anyone cheating/annoying)

I spent A LOT of time on XBC when Halo 2 was hot. The MLG style & all the skill/trick shots is ridiculous. [BXR'n mofos]

But the custom games with friends... SO FUN. Halo 2:
HIDE N SEEK (juggernaut gametype, 1 jug tries to find active camo players, so much laughter <3<3<3)
Zombies/Infection (before it was an actual game type, pressing start and switching teams if you were killed by a green armored zombie player <3<3<3)
Cat and Mouse (map Coagulation, objective, cat= wraith using boost ONLY NO SHOOTING smashes> Mouse= warthog DRIVE drive drive! no shooting, so much laughter <3<3<3)
Tremors (objective run your way across coagulation without being splattered by 2 players in Ghosts, how? any raised rock you can stand on is 'safe' and they cant run you over xD)
Border Patrol (obj. 2 players set up on the wall of Zanzibar and all other players try to 'escape' to the beach from the big building on the other side of the map)
Battlecage (SWAT with 16 people on foundation with bonus points and random secondary gun <3<3<3)
Phantom King of the Hill (all invisible players with plasma rifles and sticky grenades on map)
TOWER OF POWER (no shields, shotguns, 16 players, 2 teams. obj. control the big tower on Ascension that has the turret and defend from other team while turret rapes all <3 <3 <3)

:'( :'(  :'( when I think of the memories playing all these and MORE (I forgot just lobbies for glitching the game! not killing just getting outside the boundries of the map etc <3 <3 <3 <3) custom H2 games with online friends.....  I actually STILL talk to and play with an XBC friend on XBL, so we've been talking/playing together ~8 years and never "met" each other.

CoD 4 (multiplayer)
CoD Zombies multiplayer (world at war, black ops 1, & BlOps 2)

Starcraft BW
Starcraft 2
« Last Edit: Thu, 28 March 2013, 23:24:05 by Lu_e »

Offline davkol

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Re: favorite game of all time
« Reply #119 on: Fri, 29 March 2013, 01:43:44 »
Although none of these games has made it to my all time favorites list yet (I'll have to spend a bit more time playing them), I'd like to give a shoutout to RPGs by Jeff Vogel.

Offline baldgye

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Re: favorite game of all time
« Reply #120 on: Fri, 29 March 2013, 07:56:14 »
This is probably about as close to a meaningful list as I could manage;

1. Doom 2
2. Quake 2
3. MGS4
4. SC2

I'm not sure how Doom 2 and Quake 2 hold up... I'm a massive MASSIVE mgs fanboy.. but those two shooters hold a special place in my heart... but yeah I'm not sure on the rest, but if I made a top 10, it would be mostly mgs titles.

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Re: favorite game of all time
« Reply #121 on: Thu, 04 April 2013, 10:16:15 »
What's a popular, lots of players "death match" fps right now that doesn't have long respawns.. or stupid capture objectives..

Offline Internetlad

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Re: favorite game of all time
« Reply #122 on: Thu, 04 April 2013, 11:48:35 »
What's a popular, lots of players "death match" fps right now that doesn't have long respawns.. or stupid capture objectives..

TF2 KOTH/CP is about as cheap as you could get for that at the price of free + hats.

EDIT: by deathmatch do you mean FFA?
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Offline gracy123

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Re: favorite game of all time
« Reply #123 on: Wed, 10 April 2013, 08:44:07 »
I think it's WarCraft

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« Last Edit: Sun, 14 April 2013, 09:01:37 by gracy123 »