Author Topic: Occupy Monsanto  (Read 10052 times)

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Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Occupy Monsanto
« Reply #50 on: Sun, 26 May 2013, 17:35:46 »
"I remember that Monsanto and its products have recently been banned from Poland, precisely because its genetically modified maize devastated the bee population in the country.  In this context, here is the move of Monsanto is to buy the organization that conducts research in the world on this issue.  The matter in surrounded by the fact that the institution in question - they work for the best experts entomologists on the planet - has also recently stated that the Worldwide mortality of bees be found in a certain cause: the products of Monsanto. "
from an article somewhere in the internet...

Let's say that's TRUE.. we don't know for sure.. but let's assume...

In the end, it won't kill ALL the bees EVERYWHERE..

So, Many many bees die... that's quite alright.. Is this really a problem?

At worst Bee farmers may have to move to certain areas so their honey stock stays profitable..

People are really too attached and emotional about conservation of "endangered" animals...

I think dolphins are fine and cool,   but if we need an oceanic power generator, and it happens to kill all the dolphins for greatly increased energy production...  then dolphins are expendable.

and to those who says, the dolphins are innocent, and we need to live in harmony...

we live AGAINST the forces of nature... and these forces can crush us at ANY MOMENT... Dolphins be damned...

I'd much rather have more power to fuel more scientific research...

At any moment, the sun might release a solar flare that blows through our atmosphere and kill all unshielded electronics on earth..

Dolphins are gonna help us and give us internet back when that happens right?... oh please great dolphins.... fix our cellphones...

Offline davkol

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Re: Occupy Monsanto
« Reply #51 on: Sun, 26 May 2013, 17:39:44 »

This isn't even stupid.

Offline pasph

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Re: Occupy Monsanto
« Reply #52 on: Sun, 26 May 2013, 17:51:58 »
How can you live in this world so cold and hopeless that does not care anything about you?
Where we all are a lonely nothing?
"There is more stupidity than hydrogen in the universe, and it has a longer shelf life"

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Occupy Monsanto
« Reply #53 on: Sun, 26 May 2013, 18:28:14 »
How can you live in this world so cold and hopeless that does not care anything about you?
Where we all are a lonely nothing?

I am not cold, The reason I am not cold is because we burn fossil fuels in coal plants to generate electricity to heat our homes.

The fossil fuels are made of dead-prehistoric-dolphins-which are all extinct...

Circle of life.. Don't be too attached..

Offline pasph

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Re: Occupy Monsanto
« Reply #54 on: Sun, 26 May 2013, 18:34:37 »
I mean that is your world that is cold, not you, none gives a **** if you are cold or not as long as you pay your bills
"There is more stupidity than hydrogen in the universe, and it has a longer shelf life"

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Occupy Monsanto
« Reply #55 on: Sun, 26 May 2013, 18:53:00 »
I mean that is your world that is cold, not you, none gives a **** if you are cold or not as long as you pay your bills

Please define your idea of "warmth"

Offline ApocalypseMaow

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Re: Occupy Monsanto
« Reply #56 on: Mon, 27 May 2013, 00:21:52 »
WizBro will not be pleased with your proposed ocean wreckage TP!
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Offline Lanx

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Re: Occupy Monsanto
« Reply #57 on: Mon, 27 May 2013, 13:59:54 »
is it the organic food fallacy? are gmo's really so bad? does anyone care about fair trade? Monsanto ifs a Corp just like any other,I don't see anyone occupying Apple, farmers in India suicide cuz they can't pay the Monsanto fees, Apple has ppl jumping off by the dozen, it's all the same really. I buy my groceries from different markets, Wal-Mart and even from these horrible Amish farmers markets. what is it anyone's business if Monsanto does business it not.oh I also but organic chicken, the Kat time I bought Perdue the breasts were of Pamala Anderson size, definitely not correct.

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Occupy Monsanto
« Reply #58 on: Mon, 27 May 2013, 14:11:54 »
is it the organic food fallacy? are gmo's really so bad? does anyone care about fair trade? Monsanto ifs a Corp just like any other,I don't see anyone occupying Apple, farmers in India suicide cuz they can't pay the Monsanto fees, Apple has ppl jumping off by the dozen, it's all the same really. I buy my groceries from different markets, Wal-Mart and even from these horrible Amish farmers markets. what is it anyone's business if Monsanto does business it not.oh I also but organic chicken, the Kat time I bought Perdue the breasts were of Pamala Anderson size, definitely not correct.

They do not drug the chickens because they don't have to... Modern breeds mature and grow so quickly that efficiency is maintained without any steroids..

So, let's put this giant-chicken business to rest...  At one point it might've been profitable to use growth hormones, but not so with modern chicken-technology :D

Offline Lanx

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Re: Occupy Monsanto
« Reply #59 on: Mon, 27 May 2013, 19:08:28 »
perdue does, you buy one perdue chicken and you buy a different organic chicken (for some reason my organic only costs 30c more per lb, not terribly much) and the perdue breasts just look like implants. (tastes worst too)

Offline Burz

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Re: Occupy Monsanto
« Reply #60 on: Mon, 27 May 2013, 19:40:05 »
perdue does, you buy one perdue chicken and you buy a different organic chicken (for some reason my organic only costs 30c more per lb, not terribly much) and the perdue breasts just look like implants. (tastes worst too)
I will say that I've been impressed with some organic chicken I've gotten at Trader Joes. They tasted a lot better, almost as if you crossed the flavor of a regular bland chicken with the egg that it lays.
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Offline Michael

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Re: Occupy Monsanto
« Reply #61 on: Sun, 02 June 2013, 21:17:12 »

Offline keymaster

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Re: Occupy Monsanto
« Reply #62 on: Sun, 02 June 2013, 21:20:47 »
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This is worrying, at the very least... Lobbying is one of the biggest obstructions towards a true democracy. To see powerful companies and banks having such high positions in government is another obstacle.

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Occupy Monsanto
« Reply #63 on: Sun, 02 June 2013, 21:42:44 »
Show Image

This is worrying, at the very least... Lobbying is one of the biggest obstructions towards a true democracy. To see powerful companies and banks having such high positions in government is another obstacle.

Oh come on keymaster,  there's no such thing as democracy... :D 

Offline WRXChris

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Re: Occupy Monsanto
« Reply #64 on: Mon, 03 June 2013, 03:18:42 »
Millions of people are marching in 400 cities around the world against Monsanto vs. tp4tissue who supports Monsanto.

Monsanto Corp.

Monsanto makes genetically engineered seeds and crops.  They are the biggest seed company in the world, and have net income of approx. $126 million (USD).  Monsanto's current stock price is approx. $104 (USD) which is still below their peak in 2008 of $140 (USD).  The corporate criminals who run Monsanto are not even serving the greedy morons who bought their stock.  They are stealing money from their shareholders, hiding profits from rightful taxation by the US Government through offshore accounts, and they are intentionally making, marketing and selling products that ruin human health and the environment. 

Actual Genocide from Herbicide:

As if that wasn't bad enough, Monsanto is the corporation that created and sold Agent Orange, in partnership with Dow Chemical, to the US military during the Vietnam "conflict" from 1962 to 1971.   If you are an ignorant jackass who doesn't know what Agent Orange is, it is the defoliating chemical herbicide that the USA dropped from bomber airplanes on Vietnam.  The USA dropped over 19 million gallons on Vietnam.  Over 150,000 US military personnel have suffered injuries as a result of said Agent Orange.  Over 400,000 Vietnamese people were killed or maimed by Agent Orange, 500,000 suffered birth defects, and up to 1 million more people have other residual injuries. 

Vietnam Was a Long Time Ago, So What?

Genetically engineered "food" has been genetically engineered to yield higher corporate profits for food corporate farm producers and retailers.  That's it.  There is no nutrition from genetically engineered food, because genetically engineered "food" is not even food at all, it is poison that can be made to look like food and sold to people who don't know any better, like tp4tissue.  If you eat it, like tp4tissue, you will become fat and depressed (and suffer other health problems, including delusional thinking, I am not making this up).  Monsanto (and others too) have stripped most of the phytonutrients from their genetically engineered "food".  (Phytonutrients are compounds found in natural food which fight, among other things, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, depression and dementia.)  It has gotten so bad over the past 15 years, that today in 2013, people are better off eating the wild dandelions from their lawns this spring than eating the so-called "spinach" that can be purchased from their local national chain supermarket.  The dandelions have more nutrition.  This is not a joke or an exaggeration.  (And under no circumstances should you eat any food you purchase from Walmart, unless you hate life and want to die a fat colossal fool like tp4tissue.) 

Ancient Greek Wisdom:

2,500 years ago Hippoctrates and the ancient Greeks knew that healthy food is important to sustaining the human body.  Hippocrates said "Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food."  Somehow in the 21st century, this knowledge has been lost.  Today, people like  tp4tissue and the Monsanto Corporation say:  "Let food be my poison, and poison be my food."  And somehow other people agree.

How Much Will Stopping Monsanto Cost tp4tissue?

The real question we should all be asking ourselves, is:  Will stopping Monsanto cost tp4tissue any money?  The answer is: no.  Curiously though tp4tissue is very worried about how much this will cost him.  First, healthy food need not cost more than poison.  And Second, even assuming arguendo that eating healthy food costs more than eating poison [which it does not], what is tp4tissue's ultimate goal?   To save money by eating poison?  If that is the case then he will ultimately end up being a wealthy corpse, who was fat and miserable every day when he was alive.  Regardless of tp4tissue's budgetary worries, eating healthy food will not cost more than eating poison.

What can be done about it?

Get the government to pass a law banning all genetically engineered foods.  The people must demand minimum standards for nutrition from the food you eat.  Currently we regulate the sale and consumption of alcohol and tobacco.  We ban heroin and cocaine.  We do not allow people to put rat poison in our children's food.  Why do we allow Monsanto to put poison us on our dinner plates?


You are so naive.. and so wrong.

Eating healthy food, whether it's by monsanto or not cost significantly more money.. Per pound vegetables cost as much as meat, just an example.

COST is the reason we do not reform the poor food we give to children in our very schools in the USA...  and NO ONE WANTS TO PAY...

Engineered food by monsanto IS NOT poison..

I could care less about their business practices.. Money is always acounted for in the end.. It really doesn't matter who holds it..

It is very difficult to truly squander money, because money is merely an accounting tool. While the lesser-learned people like eth0s think of it like a "reserve" or a "battery"...

In reality It is not...

Money is a form of artificial motivation, because as soon as a person is born into this world.. He is essentially in DEBT...

Because simply existing and surviving has become too trivial.. Humanity created this artificial debt to motivate people to go forward..

Monsanto may not be the BEST... but there will be people to replace them should they truly go off the deep end... and the replacement will be EXACTLY the same.... This is the nature of big business...

^  This is what happens to your brain if you eat genetically engineered food.

Wow you break down into "only" personal insults after 1 response...  There's alot of internet defeats today.. Eth0s, WRXChris... :D

I'm on a roll.

eth0s, what you've said isn't clever at all, LOL, it's cliche,  dumb kids.. :))

haha just read through this thread, funny how tp thinks he won something!  You are such an embarrasment to your people! (and by that i mean trolls)  Keep eating the food that has been proven to significantly lower tryptophan and serotonin levels, lol, no wonder you're such a troll!!!

Offline WRXChris

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Re: Occupy Monsanto
« Reply #65 on: Mon, 03 June 2013, 03:28:47 »
"I remember that Monsanto and its products have recently been banned from Poland, precisely because its genetically modified maize devastated the bee population in the country.  In this context, here is the move of Monsanto is to buy the organization that conducts research in the world on this issue.  The matter in surrounded by the fact that the institution in question - they work for the best experts entomologists on the planet - has also recently stated that the Worldwide mortality of bees be found in a certain cause: the products of Monsanto. "
from an article somewhere in the internet...

Let's say that's TRUE.. we don't know for sure.. but let's assume...

In the end, it won't kill ALL the bees EVERYWHERE..

So, Many many bees die... that's quite alright.. Is this really a problem?

At worst Bee farmers may have to move to certain areas so their honey stock stays profitable..

People are really too attached and emotional about conservation of "endangered" animals...

I think dolphins are fine and cool,   but if we need an oceanic power generator, and it happens to kill all the dolphins for greatly increased energy production...  then dolphins are expendable.

and to those who says, the dolphins are innocent, and we need to live in harmony...

we live AGAINST the forces of nature... and these forces can crush us at ANY MOMENT... Dolphins be damned...

I'd much rather have more power to fuel more scientific research...

At any moment, the sun might release a solar flare that blows through our atmosphere and kill all unshielded electronics on earth..

Dolphins are gonna help us and give us internet back when that happens right?... oh please great dolphins.... fix our cellphones...

Did you really just ignore the fact that bees are responsible for pollinating our plants?  Bees don't just produce honey, they are the "slave labor" that takes male plant sperm and puts it in the female plant vagina.  Are you ready for a world that replaces bees with third-world-human-beings at below minumum wages?

Offline Burz

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Re: Occupy Monsanto
« Reply #66 on: Mon, 03 June 2013, 04:29:07 »
The main attractions of organic food are much lower exposure of pesticides/herbicides/fungicides that keeps the consumer and the soil healthier.

There's nothing fallacious about that.

Organic also got a reputation for being more nutritious, but I don't remember any product sign or package that made such a claim. Organic did seem to have more nutrients in tests done decades ago (but scarcely more nowadays); growers use more modern varieties today that were bred to grow quicker and bigger. Expect to see more 'heirloom' varieties on the market stands...
Matias Mini QuietPro  \\ Dell AT101W - Black ALPS  \\ SIIG MiniTouch x2 White XM - Monterey  \\ Colemak layout.

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Occupy Monsanto
« Reply #67 on: Mon, 03 June 2013, 04:53:52 »
"I remember that Monsanto and its products have recently been banned from Poland, precisely because its genetically modified maize devastated the bee population in the country.  In this context, here is the move of Monsanto is to buy the organization that conducts research in the world on this issue.  The matter in surrounded by the fact that the institution in question - they work for the best experts entomologists on the planet - has also recently stated that the Worldwide mortality of bees be found in a certain cause: the products of Monsanto. "
from an article somewhere in the internet...

Let's say that's TRUE.. we don't know for sure.. but let's assume...

In the end, it won't kill ALL the bees EVERYWHERE..

So, Many many bees die... that's quite alright.. Is this really a problem?

At worst Bee farmers may have to move to certain areas so their honey stock stays profitable..

People are really too attached and emotional about conservation of "endangered" animals...

I think dolphins are fine and cool,   but if we need an oceanic power generator, and it happens to kill all the dolphins for greatly increased energy production...  then dolphins are expendable.

and to those who says, the dolphins are innocent, and we need to live in harmony...

we live AGAINST the forces of nature... and these forces can crush us at ANY MOMENT... Dolphins be damned...

I'd much rather have more power to fuel more scientific research...

At any moment, the sun might release a solar flare that blows through our atmosphere and kill all unshielded electronics on earth..

Dolphins are gonna help us and give us internet back when that happens right?... oh please great dolphins.... fix our cellphones...

Did you really just ignore the fact that bees are responsible for pollinating our plants?  Bees don't just produce honey, they are the "slave labor" that takes male plant sperm and puts it in the female plant vagina.  Are you ready for a world that replaces bees with third-world-human-beings at below minumum wages?

LOL, bees are not the only bugs that pollinate.  they're not even the majority of the pollination.. :D

Read up, and stop trolling..

As to the "winning"  I am tiger blood incarnate..   Wchris I'd have to say you're something between a blown ball point pen and ransacked a bird's nest I stepped on...  :))

Offline iri

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Re: Occupy Monsanto
« Reply #68 on: Mon, 03 June 2013, 04:58:52 »
speaking of organic... last saturday i bought some organic beer, which made me unusually drunk. and i'm pretty sure it makes for environmentally friendly piss!
(...)Whereas back then I wrote about the tyranny of the majority, today I'd combine that with the tyranny of the minorities. These days, you have to be careful of both. They both want to control you. The first group, by making you do the same thing over and over again. The second group is indicated by the letters I get from the Vassar girls who want me to put more women's lib in The Martian Chronicles, or from blacks who want more black people in Dandelion Wine.
I say to both bunches, Whether you're a majority or minority, bug off! To hell with anybody who wants to tell me what to write. Their society breaks down into subsections of minorities who then, in effect, burn books by banning them. All this political correctness that's rampant on campuses is b.s.

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Offline WRXChris

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Re: Occupy Monsanto
« Reply #69 on: Mon, 03 June 2013, 05:04:31 »
"I remember that Monsanto and its products have recently been banned from Poland, precisely because its genetically modified maize devastated the bee population in the country.  In this context, here is the move of Monsanto is to buy the organization that conducts research in the world on this issue.  The matter in surrounded by the fact that the institution in question - they work for the best experts entomologists on the planet - has also recently stated that the Worldwide mortality of bees be found in a certain cause: the products of Monsanto. "
from an article somewhere in the internet...

Let's say that's TRUE.. we don't know for sure.. but let's assume...

In the end, it won't kill ALL the bees EVERYWHERE..

So, Many many bees die... that's quite alright.. Is this really a problem?

At worst Bee farmers may have to move to certain areas so their honey stock stays profitable..

People are really too attached and emotional about conservation of "endangered" animals...

I think dolphins are fine and cool,   but if we need an oceanic power generator, and it happens to kill all the dolphins for greatly increased energy production...  then dolphins are expendable.

and to those who says, the dolphins are innocent, and we need to live in harmony...

we live AGAINST the forces of nature... and these forces can crush us at ANY MOMENT... Dolphins be damned...

I'd much rather have more power to fuel more scientific research...

At any moment, the sun might release a solar flare that blows through our atmosphere and kill all unshielded electronics on earth..

Dolphins are gonna help us and give us internet back when that happens right?... oh please great dolphins.... fix our cellphones...

Did you really just ignore the fact that bees are responsible for pollinating our plants?  Bees don't just produce honey, they are the "slave labor" that takes male plant sperm and puts it in the female plant vagina.  Are you ready for a world that replaces bees with third-world-human-beings at below minumum wages?

LOL, bees are not the only bugs that pollinate.  they're not even the majority of the pollination.. :D

Read up, and stop trolling..

As to the "winning"  I am tiger blood incarnate..   Wchris I'd have to say you're something between a blown ball point pen and ransacked a bird's nest I stepped on...  :))

And this is why I said I was done with you earlier, you resort to insults when your argument falls apart.  Keep on "winning" since it seems to make you feel good about yourself! :P

Offline Findecanor

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Re: Occupy Monsanto
« Reply #70 on: Mon, 03 June 2013, 08:03:11 »
Lobbying is one of the biggest obstructions towards a true democracy.
Oh come on keymaster,  there's no such thing as democracy... :D
There is no such thing as a "true democracy". There is always a scale. There will always a struggle between freedom and corruption.

The main attractions of organic food are much lower exposure of pesticides/herbicides/fungicides that keeps the consumer and the soil healthier.
It keeps the planet's entire ecosystem healthier. The eco-system is what sustains us and is the source of all our real wealth. Don't forget that. Throughout history, the civilisations that have thrived the most have always been those with the best conditions for agriculture. Proper organic agriculture sustains those conditions, while xxx-icides and synthetic fertilizers have often been harmful.

LOL, bees are not the only bugs that pollinate.  they're not even the majority of the pollination.. :D
Not in nature, no. The majority of the insect-pollinated plants on farms and in orchards depend on bees, however.

As to the "winning"  I am tiger blood incarnate.. 
What? We have Charlie Sheen on our forum?  ;)

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Occupy Monsanto
« Reply #71 on: Mon, 03 June 2013, 08:13:42 »
Lobbying is one of the biggest obstructions towards a true democracy.
Oh come on keymaster,  there's no such thing as democracy... :D
There is no such thing as a "true democracy". There is always a scale. There will always a struggle between freedom and corruption.

The main attractions of organic food are much lower exposure of pesticides/herbicides/fungicides that keeps the consumer and the soil healthier.
It keeps the planet's entire ecosystem healthier. The eco-system is what sustains us and is the source of all our real wealth. Don't forget that. Throughout history, the civilisations that have thrived the most have always been those with the best conditions for agriculture. Proper organic agriculture sustains those conditions, while xxx-icides and synthetic fertilizers have often been harmful.

LOL, bees are not the only bugs that pollinate.  they're not even the majority of the pollination.. :D
Not in nature, no. The majority of the insect-pollinated plants on farms and in orchards depend on bees, however.

As to the "winning"  I am tiger blood incarnate.. 
What? We have Charlie Sheen on our forum?  ;)

^^ this guy gets me... :D

Offline rayuki

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Re: Occupy Monsanto
« Reply #72 on: Mon, 03 June 2013, 09:10:39 »
So Monsanto have contaminated the wheat now it seems, if that spreads don't see anyway back. Worst part is they supposedly stopped it years back but it got out.

China not importing because of it.
Interesting times ahead also since europe have pretty much boycotted monsanto

Offline Lanx

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Re: Occupy Monsanto
« Reply #73 on: Mon, 03 June 2013, 23:32:30 »
are monsanto seeds considered organic?

i mean can a farmer just take monsanto seeds and idk get organic monsanto pesticides and do the whole organic thing and say it's organic wheat or soy even with monsanto seeds?

Offline Burz

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Re: Occupy Monsanto
« Reply #74 on: Tue, 04 June 2013, 12:47:47 »
are monsanto seeds considered organic?

i mean can a farmer just take monsanto seeds and idk get organic monsanto pesticides and do the whole organic thing and say it's organic wheat or soy even with monsanto seeds?
AFAIK monsanto's seed is all genetically engineered... so the answer is no. And monsanto's herbicides would kiil any non-GE crops (even ones being grown conventionally). Their stuff isn't compatible with anything natural or normal.

You can use conventionally cultivated plants for organic, but those might not be the best varieties for it. Produce must be free of genetic engineering as one of the criteria for organic certification. And monsanto will not allow any farmer to keep profits from their crops if those crops are shown to have even a tiny amount of monsanto genetic markers in them (even if those genes were accidentally spread on the wind, as they often are).
« Last Edit: Tue, 04 June 2013, 12:58:17 by Burz »
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Offline WRXChris

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Re: Occupy Monsanto
« Reply #75 on: Tue, 04 June 2013, 15:16:01 »
are monsanto seeds considered organic?

i mean can a farmer just take monsanto seeds and idk get organic monsanto pesticides and do the whole organic thing and say it's organic wheat or soy even with monsanto seeds?
AFAIK monsanto's seed is all genetically engineered... so the answer is no. And monsanto's herbicides would kiil any non-GE crops (even ones being grown conventionally). Their stuff isn't compatible with anything natural or normal.

You can use conventionally cultivated plants for organic, but those might not be the best varieties for it. Produce must be free of genetic engineering as one of the criteria for organic certification. And monsanto will not allow any farmer to keep profits from their crops if those crops are shown to have even a tiny amount of monsanto genetic markers in them (even if those genes were accidentally spread on the wind, as they often are).

Spot on.  To elaborate, since Clarence Thomas is on the supreme court and the board of directors of Monsanto, the supreme court sided with Monsanto, and if the wind blows pollen from a Monsanto farm into your farm contaminating your crop with Monsanto's patented genes, Monsanto now owns your entire harvest.  Good luck battling their multi-million dollar legal team as a farmer who is in debt to the eyeballs, with a supreme court ruling favoring the plaintiff.  This is how Monsanto has grown their market share so rapidly, through corrupt government policy and bullying of traditional farmers. 

I'm so glad to see that Occupy Monsanto has significantly impacted their international business, and that international press isn't entirely corrupted by Monsanto interests.  I can imagine that the news about the tainted wheat would have been brushed under the carpet had it not been for Occupy Monsanto and the growing consumer antipathy toward this evil entity!

« Last Edit: Tue, 04 June 2013, 15:25:06 by WRXChris »

Offline pasph

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Re: Occupy Monsanto
« Reply #76 on: Tue, 04 June 2013, 18:05:12 »
I'm glad i can see on the foods the "no OGM" label, culture and education is the key
"There is more stupidity than hydrogen in the universe, and it has a longer shelf life"

Offline Lanx

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Re: Occupy Monsanto
« Reply #77 on: Wed, 05 June 2013, 08:05:50 »
As of 2012, the agricultural seed lineup included Roundup Ready alfalfa; Roundup Ready canola; cotton with Bt, Roundup Ready, or both traits; sorghum hybrids; soybeans with various oil profiles, most with the Roundup Ready trait; Roundup Ready sugarbeet; and a wide range of wheat products, many of which incorporate the nontransgenic "clearfield" imazamox-tolerant

even with this... organic meat could be eating monsanto soybeans? the alfalfa is scary... all i know is that is what i used feed my rabbits when i had them.

Offline keymaster

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Re: Occupy Monsanto
« Reply #78 on: Tue, 11 June 2013, 11:06:54 »
I'm surprised no one on the forum is talking about Edward Snowden.