So.. This got 4x redundant PSU @ 900 watt output each..
And I can pretty much hit 850watt from the wall @ full CPU load... it says I can pull max 1034watt from the wall, it's 87% efficient..
Does that Mean.. I still have (1- (850/1034)) * 900 = 160watts left over to power other things ?
What is the maximum low wattage Graphics card I can put into this.. because the interface is kind of slow when I use a larger monitor.. I'm not playing games, I just want to see my stuff on a bigger screen.. and perhaps get opengl accel
Or can I pull like another 900watts. because i mean, it's got 4 of these things..
NM, says in manual.. 2+2 redundant.. so I can pull 1800 @ 2070 from the wall.. I guess this is going in the garage if I ever need 17.23amps