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Offline Skysophrenic

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@ TP
« on: Mon, 22 August 2016, 12:44:37 »
Seeing as apparently TP can be allowed to open up an off topic thread directing misinformation and hatred towards particular people, looks like I can do the same.

Go **** yourself, TP. You do nothing all day but post random **** and spam threads in off topic, make 0 contributions to interesting talk and instead choose to remain ignorant of evidence. I addressed every single one of your points and slanders in the old thread, of which you never replied and outright ignored.

I spent months working with other people to try to fix an issue which was not my problem, repeatedly called upon gutz to come out and talk to us, consistently urged users to not file just yet but give gutz a chance to explain the situation, to consistently remain open minded and be open to the possibility of reconciliation from gutz. none of that occurred. Do not even go and consider that I did not give him a fair chance. I gave him more than a fair chance. Breaking the law by mistake is still a mistake - own up to it and actually do something instead of hiding

Do you want to know what I did TP? I tried to help people. I:

1. Urged calm and collectiveness
2. Provided more than reasonable leeway and opportunities fro Gutz
3. I collected data from as many users as I could - I pm'ed to reach out, contact people through emails, and made the entire collection transparent for people to see what is happening. everything I could control was controlled to the best of my ability.
4. Root and I looked into ways to get our money back. We advocated that people go through the correct channels of paypal to get money back, while giving gutz a chance to reply on paypal disputes. In addition, I called, emailed, and talked to people and managers as well as a director within the Moneygram and Western Union organisations to be told that they do not have the measures in place if the cash is withdrawn - it is a cash business. Not tracable, especially given the amount of time that gutz had to withdraw it.
5. We had to deal with members within GH advocating violence/personal confrontations with beserkfan by "visiting his house" in Singapore. Really? I don't believe that I had to even read those posts.
6. Had to deal with TP. He was/is a problem child. Literally.
7. Root found a way for users to get some of their money back from using paypal gift. That is outlined in the reconciliation thread.

All the while, I am down $400. I knew I was getting nothing back. There was no chance of it after I talked to moneygram. I gave ample time. I gave more thjan reasonable leeway for an explanation. Most of my items were double sold, and I have shipped some of what I got to people who ordered the stuff I received because they paid for it. So, TP, don't go saying that I'm the one in the wrong here.

Lets look at what you've done

1. Came into a thread defending Gutz, 1.5 months after he has last replied or done anything. we established that he is gone. You just never read the thread (or... you did and refused to believe it
2. Act like a whiteknight spewing **** that made no sense - and refused to acknowledge any reasonable and coherent argument. By the way, your formatting sucks balls.
3. Spread hatred and misinformation about a situation you weren't even a part of.

TLDR: TP, **** you.

Mods can do what they want. If I get muted though, he better get muted because we would both be guilty of targeting individuals and slandering their names. The only difference is that mine is factual.


Offline Moistgun

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Re: @ TP
« Reply #1 on: Mon, 22 August 2016, 12:46:43 »

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: @ TP
« Reply #2 on: Mon, 22 August 2016, 12:47:26 »
Berserk fan stood by until --Rootwyrm-- made it impossible for him to continue..

Berserkfan has accepted responsibility for his mistake, and that it costs him his Entire inventory..

There is no money made on this transaction, and yet Support for affected users continued.

At the fall, Berserkfan was still willing to work towards coordinating shipping, setting up proxies for package swaps and put in additional funds ($2000) towards rectifying the situation for those affected.

When --Rootwyrm, Chuckdee, -- filed their paypal claims prematurely (they had 6 months to file, Rootwyrm and Chuckdee, all did it within the first month).. 

The 3 people most involved Skys/Root/Chuckdee  Mobbed up the crowd saying Berserkfan was a scammer despite all evidence to the contrary.

The paypal filings locked out Berserkfan's plans for the fix because it considerably hampers payment and coordination over paypal, because the account and many options were locked out.

Then afterwards --Rootwyrm, Chuckdee, and Sky-- continued to publicly ostracize Berserkfan, saying he's a scammer, when the ENTIRE TIME, he was trying to help the affected Users..

At that point it becomes easier to just settle with paypal collections and do nothing, because --Rootwyrm-- made the entire situation even worse by Greatly increasing the Coordination cost..

Labor is a resource and not limitless,  there is a line that Berserkfan was willing to commit to in fixing his shipping mistake..

What --Rootwyrm n others-- did is push this line too far, such that settling with paypal collections became the best option, and to merely sit and do nothing at all..

It is completely by the actions of  --Rootwyrm, Chuckdee, and Sky--'s which prevented Berserkfan from Fixing the situation..

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: @ TP
« Reply #3 on: Mon, 22 August 2016, 12:51:52 »
The way package recovery had to be played is as a matrix game with players.

Under sky's list, None of the players who got either the equivalent or more than what they paid for could be forced into play.

Whereas, had we used Berserkfan's list, though we do not know what were in the packages, we know WHO got one, and what it weighed..

In that way, Leverage was possible to at least get those people who did not report to Partially Fess up...

With sky's list, there is also no way to check if those players were honest about what they received, because absolutely NO INFORMATION is available besides self-report..

With Berserk's list, if someone was less than truthful, we could say, this box weighed 5 lbs, you're definitly shorting, because you only posted 2 bags of keycaps.

Skysophrenic's List,   is ONE that UNRAVELS NOTHING.. DOES NOTHING.. HAS NOT checkable Facts, and All references are ultimately Unenforceable, because the two party involved are NOT working together.

Though the shipping mistake is not caused by Skysophrenic

Skysophrenic has only achieved to Hamper the final outcome of a bad situation.

Offline graefeln

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Re: @ TP
« Reply #4 on: Mon, 22 August 2016, 13:23:04 »
Let's be honest here, if the guy wanted to make things right, he can do so without PayPal. You're using it as an excuse and spouting constant bull**** while claiming to be unbiased - seriously, look the word up.

To my knowledge, his account here is still usable - he can get on and TRY to work things out. **** happens; take responsibility - if he is unable to do that, stop defending him.

Offline digi

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Re: @ TP
« Reply #5 on: Mon, 22 August 2016, 13:27:38 »
unbiased - seriously, look the word up.

Figured I'd post it here for everyone (saves Google searches)

showing no prejudice for or against something; impartial.

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: @ TP
« Reply #6 on: Mon, 22 August 2016, 13:28:34 »
Let's be honest here, if the guy wanted to make things right, he can do so without PayPal. You're using it as an excuse and spouting constant bull**** while claiming to be unbiased - seriously, look the word up.

To my knowledge, his account here is still usable - he can get on and TRY to work things out. **** happens; take responsibility - if he is unable to do that, stop defending him.

ABSOLUTELY correct..

HE COULD do it,  but as I mentioned before, his resources are not infinite..

Removing paypal significantly added to the coordination cost,

Because if he'd do it now, he'd have to work with everyone he can't directly exchange with via the paypal system

Some people used paypal, Some did not..

The increase in complexity ontop of the Animosity generated by Root/Chuckdee/Sky  is what made the consideration to Directly settle with Paypal collections easier..

I think there's a misconception here in that people think Berserkfan made off with the cash, and is now enjoying mixed drinks on the beach..

That is far from what's happening..

He inventory is non-recoverable, which means all of that is gone..

All of the money , a few thousand which came in through paypal is Not collectable,  AND it goes further negative as the claims continued..

At the end of all of this,  Paypal will come to knock on his door,  hand him a statement..  then Berserkfan will take whatever's left from Western Union/ bank transfers and give that to Paypal..

So in the end, by Pushing away Berserkfan from being part of the solution, No one gets what they ordered,  they don't have records of Anything at all, and none of the users who may have gotten more items could be held accountable..

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: @ TP
« Reply #7 on: Mon, 22 August 2016, 13:30:50 »
unbiased - seriously, look the word up.

Figured I'd post it here for everyone (saves Google searches)

showing no prejudice for or against something; impartial.

hahahaha... I am absolutely unbiased because I only interpret the course of events.  I have no person pulling me to the one side or the other,

While you can not take Sky,Root, Chuckdee's  statements as unbiased because they were involved in the shipping error.

I am an unbiased observer of the events,  I care about all members of Geekhack, including Berserkfan..

There has been no indication that a scam took place..

And it was due to the actions of SKY/ ROot/ and Chuckdee, that made the recovery impossible.

Offline Bromono

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Re: @ TP
« Reply #8 on: Mon, 22 August 2016, 13:31:44 »
*Popcorn gif*

Offline graefeln

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Re: @ TP
« Reply #9 on: Mon, 22 August 2016, 13:35:50 »
You are relentlessly defending one person while constantly condemning the actions of three. There is a clear bias here man and honestly, you are apparently ignorant of this fact.

...and while I originally thought this was an honest mistake and not a scam, your overzealous defense actually has me questioning that. The way you are holding three people accountable - completely accountable - for Beserkfan not even wanting to make things right has me wondering if this was actually set up from the beginning.

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: @ TP
« Reply #10 on: Mon, 22 August 2016, 13:40:40 »
You are relentlessly defending one person while constantly condemning the actions of three. There is a clear bias here man and honestly, you are apparently ignorant of this fact.

...and while I originally thought this was an honest mistake and not a scam, your overzealous defense actually has me questioning that. The way you are holding three people accountable - completely accountable - for Beserkfan not even wanting to make things right has me wondering if this was actually set up from the beginning.

Hahahahahaha... Who sets up a plan this poorly conceived.

And if Tp4 were part of this alleged Heist,  Then technically, the money's already gone through,  why is Tp4 still here laying out facts against the tyranny of Rootwyrm..

The fact is, most simply

Berserkfan shipment error

Berserkfan attempts fix

Rootwyrm n-company cries bloody murder, public shaming Berserkfan..

They File against Berserkfan

Berserkfan's Paypal locks.

Berserkfan made the Decision to settle with Paypal, once they're done with refunds.

Offline jwaz

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Re: @ TP
« Reply #11 on: Mon, 22 August 2016, 13:43:35 »
You are relentlessly defending one person while constantly condemning the actions of three. There is a clear bias here man and honestly, you are apparently ignorant of this fact.

...and while I originally thought this was an honest mistake and not a scam, your overzealous defense actually has me questioning that. The way you are holding three people accountable - completely accountable - for Beserkfan not even wanting to make things right has me wondering if this was actually set up from the beginning.

Hahahahahaha... Who sets up a plan this poorly conceived.

And if Tp4 were part of the Heist,  Then technically, the money's already gone through,  why is Tp4 still here laying out facts against the tyranny of Rootwyrm..

Okay, this has gone on long enough. If you have any questions feel free to PM me but if you keep starting threads I'm going to mute you.