Author Topic: Are people too whiny nowadays?  (Read 17018 times)

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Offline iri

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Re: Are people too whiny nowadays?
« Reply #100 on: Wed, 24 September 2014, 01:09:39 »
every **** loves cum.
(...)Whereas back then I wrote about the tyranny of the majority, today I'd combine that with the tyranny of the minorities. These days, you have to be careful of both. They both want to control you. The first group, by making you do the same thing over and over again. The second group is indicated by the letters I get from the Vassar girls who want me to put more women's lib in The Martian Chronicles, or from blacks who want more black people in Dandelion Wine.
I say to both bunches, Whether you're a majority or minority, bug off! To hell with anybody who wants to tell me what to write. Their society breaks down into subsections of minorities who then, in effect, burn books by banning them. All this political correctness that's rampant on campuses is b.s.

-Ray Bradbury

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Re: Are people too whiny nowadays?
« Reply #101 on: Wed, 24 September 2014, 01:25:22 »
Hello, I am currently 15 years old and I want to become a walrus. I know there’s a million people out there just like me, but I promise you I’m different. On December 14th, I’m moving to Antartica; home of the greatest walruses. I’ve already cut off my arms, and now slide on my stomach everywhere I go as training. I may not be a walrus yet, but I promise you if you give me a chance and the support I need, I will become the greatest walrus.
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Very busy with studies atm.

Offline Elrick

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Re: Are people too whiny nowadays?
« Reply #102 on: Wed, 24 September 2014, 02:10:24 »
every **** loves cum.

I now a lot of women who do and some men folk as well  8) .

Offline iri

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Re: Are people too whiny nowadays?
« Reply #103 on: Wed, 24 September 2014, 02:52:48 »
I was talking about genitals
(...)Whereas back then I wrote about the tyranny of the majority, today I'd combine that with the tyranny of the minorities. These days, you have to be careful of both. They both want to control you. The first group, by making you do the same thing over and over again. The second group is indicated by the letters I get from the Vassar girls who want me to put more women's lib in The Martian Chronicles, or from blacks who want more black people in Dandelion Wine.
I say to both bunches, Whether you're a majority or minority, bug off! To hell with anybody who wants to tell me what to write. Their society breaks down into subsections of minorities who then, in effect, burn books by banning them. All this political correctness that's rampant on campuses is b.s.

-Ray Bradbury

Offline jacobolus

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Re: Are people too whiny nowadays?
« Reply #104 on: Wed, 24 September 2014, 04:13:45 »
For what it’s worth, I think tp4tissue is full of **** about 95% of the time, but in this thread he’s got it right (at least on general principle; I’m sure The_Beast is a great teacher in person, however easy it is to take his online rants out of context).

They don't "suck". Some just don't apply themselves, think for themselves and expect help at every turn. If teachers taught with your philosophy, we'd end up with dependent, non applying students who expect answers at every turn without even trying.
I think you’re very much misunderstanding what tp4tissue is saying here. That is, he isn’t saying you should do the students’ work for them, or read every little instruction they could read themselves, or whatever. What he’s saying (and this is absolutely correct) is that if the students aren’t doing what they’re supposed to, then blaming them for it (e.g. calling them whiny) is totally counterproductive, and a breakdown of empathy.

I know a lot of smart kids who don’t apply themselves. You know why? Because for the most part school is a big pile of bull**** rules that are being imposed from outside, and it’s not clear to most students why they should care, other than just as a way to appease society / get people off their case.

The only way to fix this is to get kids excited about what they’re learning, and the best way to do that is to figure out what they’re interested in and get them working on *that*, or else show them why the subjects they’re supposed to be studying are actually fascinating and wonderful.

If a student really applies him- or herself (that is, is passionate about it, focuses, has some support, and does the damn work), they are plenty capable of covering everything taught in a regular school in 1/10 the time the school spends on it (or probably less even). And yes, that goes for all the students, even the “dumb” ones. Once you get them on a healthy diet, well rested, with enough exercise, not stressed out of their minds, and working on something they think is important and relevant, nearly all people are curious and clever and amazing learners. Schools are unbelievably inefficient compared to maximum human potential. Unfortunately, most students aren’t taught how to do the work, or more importantly why to care. As a result they drift along. Some kids, the so-called “gifted kids” (who have more preparation in intellectual thought) are often bored out of their skulls trying to avoid **** they are being forced to do that seems totally trivial and pointless. Some of the other kids have terrible anxiety, their bodies constantly flooded with stress hormones, because they have been convinced that they “suck” at math, or reading, or whatever, and their brains are simply not in an emotional state to focus on doing work. The “good” kids are mostly ones who have learned that the best way to fit in and be praised by their teachers and parents is to sit down, do whatever is asked, and conform.

Students *are* ultimately responsible for their own educations, in the sense that no one else in the world, even their parents, ultimately can direct their lives or mental energy. However, many many students have not been taught properly how to follow their own curiosity, make their own discoveries, put the puzzle pieces together, or sit and focus on a problem until it’s completed. This is a real tragedy, because these students then get judged as incapable (lazy, entitled, incompetent, whatever) when their teachers and environment is just as much to blame.

We live in a shockingly individualistic society, and we’re really bad at understanding systemic social effects, or empathizing with each other. All the best teachers I had went way above and beyond the call of duty to try to understand what their students were thinking and feeling, and meet them on their own terms.

Don’t think I blame schools or teachers here though. Teaching 30 underprepared, poorly fed, sleep deprived, stressed out, hormone-fuelled kids, with plenty of personal problems at home and at school, who don’t give a **** about the subject under discussion, with insufficient staff, school materials, and physical infrastructure is a devilishly difficult problem. Teachers aren’t given sufficient pay, respect, or personal development time. Schools have mandates up the wazoo from state and federal curricula, and careerist administrators pile all kinds of bull**** on teachers. Even in the best run schools with the best teachers and the best administrators, lots of money and intellectual freedom, teaching is hard. In many American schools it’s more of a nightmare.

[FWIW, my mother was a career elementary school teacher, many of my friends are teachers, I have enormous respect for teachers and the public education system, and I have spent lots of time teaching people 1-on-1 and in small groups about various subjects, but I have never been a full-time classroom teacher myself.]

About lectures, etc. in a college setting:

Or about what high school is about and what it should be:
« Last Edit: Wed, 24 September 2014, 04:45:49 by jacobolus »

Offline paicrai

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Re: Are people too whiny nowadays?
« Reply #105 on: Wed, 24 September 2014, 04:16:25 »

I will literally **** you raw paicrai, I hope you're legal by the time I meet you.
👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good **** go౦ԁ ****👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌**** right👌👌th 👌 ere👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯  i say so 💯  thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good ****

Offline Novus

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Re: Are people too whiny nowadays?
« Reply #106 on: Wed, 24 September 2014, 05:25:40 »
You know I really don't get this community sometimes.
You guys can tolerate people who don't bother to use the search button, make new threads excessively and ask the same old questions in the keyboards section.
You guys can tolerate people who join up and don't bother to research.
You guys can tolerate 5 simultaneous noppoo threads, a stupidly long back and forth razer thread and a half dozen HHKB threads per 2-3 pages.
You guys can indulge all this crap but yet you can't seem to tolerate fragility venting a little bit.

Now as for this thread.
You guys say you want to foster a community and encourage learning but you make a thread like this openly mocking a member.
You mute fragility and then you let this charade go on.
Threads like these encourage dangerous mob mentalities and subject people like fragility to unwarranted verbal abuse and harassment.
You mods and admins should have locked this as soon as you saw this thread instead of encouraging this dangerous and disparaging precedence (well I doubt this is the first)
and don't you dare say that nobody has openly written anything truly disparaging about fragility in this thread or that this thread is just "good fun" - you're not that dense and you know exactly the sort of vindictive crap you're participating in.

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Re: Are people too whiny nowadays?
« Reply #107 on: Wed, 24 September 2014, 05:47:37 »
Oh ****...

He's right.
tp thread is tp thread
Sometimes it's like he accidentally makes a thread instead of a google search.

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Offline paicrai

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Re: Are people too whiny nowadays?
« Reply #108 on: Wed, 24 September 2014, 05:57:49 »
You know I really don't get this community sometimes.
You guys can tolerate people who don't bother to use the search button, make new threads excessively and ask the same old questions in the keyboards section.
You guys can tolerate people who join up and don't bother to research.
You guys can tolerate 5 simultaneous noppoo threads, a stupidly long back and forth razer thread and a half dozen HHKB threads per 2-3 pages.
You guys can indulge all this crap but yet you can't seem to tolerate fragility venting a little bit.

Now as for this thread.
You guys say you want to foster a community and encourage learning but you make a thread like this openly mocking a member.
You mute fragility and then you let this charade go on.
Threads like these encourage dangerous mob mentalities and subject people like fragility to unwarranted verbal abuse and harassment.
You mods and admins should have locked this as soon as you saw this thread instead of encouraging this dangerous and disparaging precedence (well I doubt this is the first)
and don't you dare say that nobody has openly written anything truly disparaging about fragility in this thread or that this thread is just "good fun" - you're not that dense and you know exactly the sort of vindictive crap you're participating in.

I will literally **** you raw paicrai, I hope you're legal by the time I meet you.
👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good **** go౦ԁ ****👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌**** right👌👌th 👌 ere👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯  i say so 💯  thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good ****

Offline osi

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Re: Are people too whiny nowadays?
« Reply #109 on: Wed, 24 September 2014, 06:10:47 »
yes - people are too whiny nowadays.

Offline noisyturtle

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Re: Are people too whiny nowadays?
« Reply #110 on: Wed, 24 September 2014, 06:27:35 »
(Attachment Link)

I understand the relevance of your posts less and less every day. Why not just post ink blots and let folks just guess what you're trying to say?

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Re: Are people too whiny nowadays?
« Reply #111 on: Wed, 24 September 2014, 07:46:11 »
(Attachment Link)

I understand the relevance of your posts less and less every day. Why not just post ink blots and let folks just guess what you're trying to say?


Hello, I am currently 15 years old and I want to become a walrus. I know there’s a million people out there just like me, but I promise you I’m different. On December 14th, I’m moving to Antartica; home of the greatest walruses. I’ve already cut off my arms, and now slide on my stomach everywhere I go as training. I may not be a walrus yet, but I promise you if you give me a chance and the support I need, I will become the greatest walrus.
Very busy with studies atm.

Offline azhdar

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Re: Are people too whiny nowadays?
« Reply #112 on: Wed, 24 September 2014, 07:53:38 »
(Attachment Link)

I understand the relevance of your posts less and less every day. Why not just post ink blots and let folks just guess what you're trying to say?


Hello, I am currently 15 years old and I want to become a walrus. I know there’s a million people out there just like me, but I promise you I’m different. On December 14th, I’m moving to Antartica; home of the greatest walruses. I’ve already cut off my arms, and now slide on my stomach everywhere I go as training. I may not be a walrus yet, but I promise you if you give me a chance and the support I need, I will become the greatest walrus.
well I still not have seen a revelent paicrai post .
Azerty Propagandiste

Offline paicrai

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Re: Are people too whiny nowadays?
« Reply #113 on: Wed, 24 September 2014, 07:59:01 »
(Attachment Link)

I understand the relevance of your posts less and less every day. Why not just post ink blots and let folks just guess what you're trying to say?


Hello, I am currently 15 years old and I want to become a walrus. I know there’s a million people out there just like me, but I promise you I’m different. On December 14th, I’m moving to Antartica; home of the greatest walruses. I’ve already cut off my arms, and now slide on my stomach everywhere I go as training. I may not be a walrus yet, but I promise you if you give me a chance and the support I need, I will become the greatest walrus.
well I still not have seen a revelent paicrai post .
and there we have it, the question has been answered. the answer is yes.

I will literally **** you raw paicrai, I hope you're legal by the time I meet you.
👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good **** go౦ԁ ****👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌**** right👌👌th 👌 ere👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯  i say so 💯  thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good ****

Offline HoffmanMyster

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Re: Are people too whiny nowadays?
« Reply #114 on: Wed, 24 September 2014, 08:14:30 »
Aww couldn't you have picked 91 as your cut off year?  :(


we're actually the same age?

If you were born in 91, then yes.  ;)
« Last Edit: Wed, 24 September 2014, 09:24:38 by HoffmanMyster »

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Re: Are people too whiny nowadays?
« Reply #115 on: Wed, 24 September 2014, 09:17:31 »
(Attachment Link)

I understand the relevance of your posts less and less every day. Why not just post ink blots and let folks just guess what you're trying to say?

This would require Double decoding..  Paicrai has to first understand and connect with said inkblot..

THEN, WE also have to understand the inkblot..

The potential for miscommunication is too great..

Offline iri

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Re: Are people too whiny nowadays?
« Reply #116 on: Wed, 24 September 2014, 09:33:08 »
Aww couldn't you have picked 91 as your cut off year?  :(


we're actually the same age?

If you were born in 91, then yes.  ;)
wow, so big and so little.
(...)Whereas back then I wrote about the tyranny of the majority, today I'd combine that with the tyranny of the minorities. These days, you have to be careful of both. They both want to control you. The first group, by making you do the same thing over and over again. The second group is indicated by the letters I get from the Vassar girls who want me to put more women's lib in The Martian Chronicles, or from blacks who want more black people in Dandelion Wine.
I say to both bunches, Whether you're a majority or minority, bug off! To hell with anybody who wants to tell me what to write. Their society breaks down into subsections of minorities who then, in effect, burn books by banning them. All this political correctness that's rampant on campuses is b.s.

-Ray Bradbury

Offline yasuo

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Re: Are people too whiny nowadays?
« Reply #117 on: Wed, 24 September 2014, 09:37:03 »
because of different intake with the old people.cmiiw
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2/3 8.5pm                                          in de la my september month ya da all get my fukka "fake message"

Offline Altis

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Re: Are people too whiny nowadays?
« Reply #118 on: Wed, 24 September 2014, 11:21:14 »
I found this to be the most confusing thread to follow. I really have no idea what's going on anymore.

But to OP, I do think people are not only too whiny, but too sensitive to everything and used to getting their own way when they do whine. SJWs can often be the worst offenders.

That's why I hang out places like this, and indulge in some pleasant hobbies.

The best thing that you can be in life is happy. Life's too short to focus too much on negativity.
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Offline demik

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Re: Are people too whiny nowadays?
« Reply #119 on: Wed, 24 September 2014, 17:31:06 »
I found this to be the most confusing thread to follow. I really have no idea what's going on anymore.

But to OP, I do think people are not only too whiny, but too sensitive to everything and used to getting their own way when they do whine. SJWs can often be the worst offenders.

That's why I hang out places like this, and indulge in some pleasant hobbies.

The best thing that you can be in life is happy. Life's too short to focus too much on negativity.

SJW are by far the most annoying people.

Luckily they live on tumblr only.
No, he’s not around. How that sound to ya? Jot it down.

Offline noisyturtle

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Re: Are people too whiny nowadays?
« Reply #120 on: Wed, 24 September 2014, 18:24:18 »
I found this to be the most confusing thread to follow. I really have no idea what's going on anymore.

But to OP, I do think people are not only too whiny, but too sensitive to everything and used to getting their own way when they do whine. SJWs can often be the worst offenders.

That's why I hang out places like this, and indulge in some pleasant hobbies.

The best thing that you can be in life is happy. Life's too short to focus too much on negativity.

SJW are by far the most annoying people.

Luckily they live on tumblr only.

What's SJW stand for? Sexy Jewish Widows?

Offline strict

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Re: Are people too whiny nowadays?
« Reply #121 on: Wed, 24 September 2014, 18:33:01 »
What's SJW stand for? Sexy Jewish Widows?

Social justice warriors

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Offline paicrai

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Re: Are people too whiny nowadays?
« Reply #122 on: Wed, 24 September 2014, 18:46:14 »
well then just dont work then gh
« Last Edit: Wed, 24 September 2014, 18:51:50 by paicrai »

I will literally **** you raw paicrai, I hope you're legal by the time I meet you.
👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good **** go౦ԁ ****👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌**** right👌👌th 👌 ere👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯  i say so 💯  thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good ****

Offline paicrai

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Re: Are people too whiny nowadays?
« Reply #123 on: Wed, 24 September 2014, 18:52:13 »

shiny jamie mcdonald will fix this

I will literally **** you raw paicrai, I hope you're legal by the time I meet you.
👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good **** go౦ԁ ****👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌**** right👌👌th 👌 ere👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯  i say so 💯  thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good ****

Offline jacobolus

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Re: Are people too whiny nowadays?
« Reply #124 on: Wed, 24 September 2014, 18:54:57 »
Quote from: noisyturtle link=topic=63080.msg1480586#msg1480586
What's SJW stand for? Sexy Jewish Widows?
God I can’t stand those sexy jewish widows, always whining about everything in such a sexy way.

Also can’t stand entitled 15-25 year-old white men who have no problem spewing all kinds of bull**** but get real mad when anyone calls them out.

Offline paicrai

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Re: Are people too whiny nowadays?
« Reply #125 on: Wed, 24 September 2014, 18:56:41 »
Quote from: noisyturtle link=topic=63080.msg1480586#msg1480586
What's SJW stand for? Sexy Jewish Widows?
Also can’t stand entitled 15-25 year-old white men who have no problem spewing all kinds of bull**** but get real mad when anyone calls them out.
what, 99% of the ****ing internet

I will literally **** you raw paicrai, I hope you're legal by the time I meet you.
👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good **** go౦ԁ ****👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌**** right👌👌th 👌 ere👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯  i say so 💯  thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good ****

Offline Fragil1ty

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Re: Are people too whiny nowadays?
« Reply #126 on: Wed, 24 September 2014, 18:59:36 »
I was banned for 24 hours, but now I'm back mother****ers.


Offline paicrai

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Re: Are people too whiny nowadays?
« Reply #127 on: Wed, 24 September 2014, 19:01:21 »
I was banned for 24 hours, but now I'm back mother****ers.


I will literally **** you raw paicrai, I hope you're legal by the time I meet you.
👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good **** go౦ԁ ****👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌**** right👌👌th 👌 ere👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯  i say so 💯  thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good ****

Offline Photekq

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Re: Are people too whiny nowadays?
« Reply #128 on: Wed, 24 September 2014, 19:01:58 »
I was banned for 24 hours, but now I'm back mother****ers.

discord: hi mum#5710

Offline billnye

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Re: Are people too whiny nowadays?
« Reply #129 on: Wed, 24 September 2014, 19:02:56 »
I was banned for 24 hours, but now I'm back mother****ers.


Mods whyyyy
« Last Edit: Wed, 24 September 2014, 19:05:24 by billnye29 »

Offline clacktalk

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Re: Are people too whiny nowadays?
« Reply #130 on: Wed, 24 September 2014, 19:07:28 »
Quote from: noisyturtle link=topic=63080.msg1480586#msg1480586
What's SJW stand for? Sexy Jewish Widows?
God I can’t stand those sexy jewish widows, always whining about everything in such a sexy way.

Also can’t stand entitled 15-25 year-old white men who have no problem spewing all kinds of bull**** but get real mad when anyone calls them out.

Don't forget the privileged and those that are oblivious to how privileged they are. Either that or people who are aware and are okay with the bull**** since it's the norm and hip as ****. Actually, complacency is way more annoying than blatant *******s.

bottom line is: i p much hate every1 on the internet 5reals
diary of a clacktalk

franktalk: how much urine have u spilled
radio_killah: too much frank
radio_killah: too much

Offline HoffmanMyster

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Re: Are people too whiny nowadays?
« Reply #131 on: Wed, 24 September 2014, 19:07:52 »
Just so we're clear, a mute is not a ban.  You were muted for 24 hours.

Offline Fragil1ty

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Re: Are people too whiny nowadays?
« Reply #132 on: Wed, 24 September 2014, 19:09:46 »
Just so we're clear, a mute is not a ban.  You were muted for 24 hours.

A mute is a ban to me, but thanks bro.

« Last Edit: Wed, 24 September 2014, 19:12:27 by Fragil1ty »

Offline noisyturtle

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Re: Are people too whiny nowadays?
« Reply #133 on: Wed, 24 September 2014, 21:08:16 »
I was banned for 24 hours, but now I'm back mother****ers.


Mods whyyyy
Show Image
Show Image

I just noticed J-Roc and the Roc Pile.  :thumb:

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Are people too whiny nowadays?
« Reply #134 on: Thu, 25 September 2014, 00:00:39 »
I was banned for 24 hours, but now I'm back mother****ers.


Mods whyyyy
Show Image
Show Image

I just noticed J-Roc and the Roc Pile.  :thumb:

what are those?

Offline noisyturtle

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Re: Are people too whiny nowadays?
« Reply #135 on: Thu, 25 September 2014, 00:29:47 »
I was banned for 24 hours, but now I'm back mother****ers.


Mods whyyyy
Show Image
Show Image

I just noticed J-Roc and the Roc Pile.  :thumb:

what are those?

From a TV show called Trailer Park Boys. It's on Netflix, and it's ****ing great!

Offline jameslr

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Re: Are people too whiny nowadays?
« Reply #136 on: Thu, 25 September 2014, 08:27:37 »
Don't forget noppoo, keycool and blackwidow.

and HHKB Type S
CM Novatouch | Filco MJ2 TKL w/ HID Lib | REΛLFORCE 87U 55g | CM QFR

Offline strict

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Re: Are people too whiny nowadays?
« Reply #137 on: Thu, 25 September 2014, 09:06:17 »
From a TV show called Trailer Park Boys. It's on Netflix, and it's ****ing great!

QFT ... the ****in way she goes

Realforce EK45 (Silenced)  |  Realforce 87UW (45g)  |  Realforce 87UWS (Variable)
Filco MJ2 TKL (Cherry Clears)  |  Phantom 87 (78g Gateron Clears)  |  Phantom 86 (67g Zealios)

Offline keyton

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Re: Are people too whiny nowadays?
« Reply #138 on: Thu, 25 September 2014, 09:33:52 »
You know I really don't get this community sometimes.
You guys can tolerate people who don't bother to use the search button, make new threads excessively and ask the same old questions in the keyboards section.
You guys can tolerate people who join up and don't bother to research.
You guys can tolerate 5 simultaneous noppoo threads, a stupidly long back and forth razer thread and a half dozen HHKB threads per 2-3 pages.
You guys can indulge all this crap but yet you can't seem to tolerate fragility venting a little bit.

Now as for this thread.
You guys say you want to foster a community and encourage learning but you make a thread like this openly mocking a member.
You mute fragility and then you let this charade go on.
Threads like these encourage dangerous mob mentalities and subject people like fragility to unwarranted verbal abuse and harassment.
You mods and admins should have locked this as soon as you saw this thread instead of encouraging this dangerous and disparaging precedence (well I doubt this is the first)
and don't you dare say that nobody has openly written anything truly disparaging about fragility in this thread or that this thread is just "good fun" - you're not that dense and you know exactly the sort of vindictive crap you're participating in.

Yet you are an ******* here:
« Last Edit: Thu, 25 September 2014, 09:35:42 by keyton »

Offline paicrai

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Re: Are people too whiny nowadays?
« Reply #139 on: Thu, 25 September 2014, 13:29:09 »
You know I really don't get this community sometimes.
You guys can tolerate people who don't bother to use the search button, make new threads excessively and ask the same old questions in the keyboards section.
You guys can tolerate people who join up and don't bother to research.
You guys can tolerate 5 simultaneous noppoo threads, a stupidly long back and forth razer thread and a half dozen HHKB threads per 2-3 pages.
You guys can indulge all this crap but yet you can't seem to tolerate fragility venting a little bit.

Now as for this thread.
You guys say you want to foster a community and encourage learning but you make a thread like this openly mocking a member.
You mute fragility and then you let this charade go on.
Threads like these encourage dangerous mob mentalities and subject people like fragility to unwarranted verbal abuse and harassment.
You mods and admins should have locked this as soon as you saw this thread instead of encouraging this dangerous and disparaging precedence (well I doubt this is the first)
and don't you dare say that nobody has openly written anything truly disparaging about fragility in this thread or that this thread is just "good fun" - you're not that dense and you know exactly the sort of vindictive crap you're participating in.

Yet you are an ******* here:
rofl youre still mad about a joke

I will literally **** you raw paicrai, I hope you're legal by the time I meet you.
👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good **** go౦ԁ ****👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌**** right👌👌th 👌 ere👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯  i say so 💯  thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good ****

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Are people too whiny nowadays?
« Reply #140 on: Thu, 25 September 2014, 13:29:59 »
You know I really don't get this community sometimes.
You guys can tolerate people who don't bother to use the search button, make new threads excessively and ask the same old questions in the keyboards section.
You guys can tolerate people who join up and don't bother to research.
You guys can tolerate 5 simultaneous noppoo threads, a stupidly long back and forth razer thread and a half dozen HHKB threads per 2-3 pages.
You guys can indulge all this crap but yet you can't seem to tolerate fragility venting a little bit.

Now as for this thread.
You guys say you want to foster a community and encourage learning but you make a thread like this openly mocking a member.
You mute fragility and then you let this charade go on.
Threads like these encourage dangerous mob mentalities and subject people like fragility to unwarranted verbal abuse and harassment.
You mods and admins should have locked this as soon as you saw this thread instead of encouraging this dangerous and disparaging precedence (well I doubt this is the first)
and don't you dare say that nobody has openly written anything truly disparaging about fragility in this thread or that this thread is just "good fun" - you're not that dense and you know exactly the sort of vindictive crap you're participating in.

Yet you are an ******* here:
rofl youre still mad about a joke

You should make a thread..    are people too-mad nowadays..

Offline keyton

  • Posts: 46
Re: Are people too whiny nowadays?
« Reply #141 on: Thu, 25 September 2014, 20:44:40 »
You know I really don't get this community sometimes.
You guys can tolerate people who don't bother to use the search button, make new threads excessively and ask the same old questions in the keyboards section.
You guys can tolerate people who join up and don't bother to research.
You guys can tolerate 5 simultaneous noppoo threads, a stupidly long back and forth razer thread and a half dozen HHKB threads per 2-3 pages.
You guys can indulge all this crap but yet you can't seem to tolerate fragility venting a little bit.

Now as for this thread.
You guys say you want to foster a community and encourage learning but you make a thread like this openly mocking a member.
You mute fragility and then you let this charade go on.
Threads like these encourage dangerous mob mentalities and subject people like fragility to unwarranted verbal abuse and harassment.
You mods and admins should have locked this as soon as you saw this thread instead of encouraging this dangerous and disparaging precedence (well I doubt this is the first)
and don't you dare say that nobody has openly written anything truly disparaging about fragility in this thread or that this thread is just "good fun" - you're not that dense and you know exactly the sort of vindictive crap you're participating in.

Yet you are an ******* here:
rofl youre still mad about a joke

Ha ha.  ****er.

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Are people too whiny nowadays?
« Reply #142 on: Thu, 25 September 2014, 20:58:41 »
You know I really don't get this community sometimes.
You guys can tolerate people who don't bother to use the search button, make new threads excessively and ask the same old questions in the keyboards section.
You guys can tolerate people who join up and don't bother to research.
You guys can tolerate 5 simultaneous noppoo threads, a stupidly long back and forth razer thread and a half dozen HHKB threads per 2-3 pages.
You guys can indulge all this crap but yet you can't seem to tolerate fragility venting a little bit.

Now as for this thread.
You guys say you want to foster a community and encourage learning but you make a thread like this openly mocking a member.
You mute fragility and then you let this charade go on.
Threads like these encourage dangerous mob mentalities and subject people like fragility to unwarranted verbal abuse and harassment.
You mods and admins should have locked this as soon as you saw this thread instead of encouraging this dangerous and disparaging precedence (well I doubt this is the first)
and don't you dare say that nobody has openly written anything truly disparaging about fragility in this thread or that this thread is just "good fun" - you're not that dense and you know exactly the sort of vindictive crap you're participating in.

Yet you are an ******* here:
rofl youre still mad about a joke

Ha ha.  ****er.

br0's mad.. chillax..

Offline tbc

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Re: Are people too whiny nowadays?
« Reply #143 on: Thu, 25 September 2014, 21:23:26 »
Aww couldn't you have picked 91 as your cut off year?  :(


we're actually the same age?

If you were born in 91, then yes.  ;)

nope.  i'm a 90er

respect yo elders son! :p
ALL zombros wanted:  dead or undead or dead-dead.

Offline demik

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Re: Are people too whiny nowadays?
« Reply #144 on: Thu, 25 September 2014, 22:12:41 »
I found this to be the most confusing thread to follow. I really have no idea what's going on anymore.

But to OP, I do think people are not only too whiny, but too sensitive to everything and used to getting their own way when they do whine. SJWs can often be the worst offenders.

That's why I hang out places like this, and indulge in some pleasant hobbies.

The best thing that you can be in life is happy. Life's too short to focus too much on negativity.

SJW are by far the most annoying people.

Luckily they live on tumblr only.

What's SJW stand for? Sexy Jewish Widows?

exactly those.

can't just do stuff in a normal NOT sexy way??
No, he’s not around. How that sound to ya? Jot it down.

Offline Fragil1ty

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Re: Are people too whiny nowadays?
« Reply #145 on: Thu, 25 September 2014, 22:21:09 »
You know I really don't get this community sometimes.
You guys can tolerate people who don't bother to use the search button, make new threads excessively and ask the same old questions in the keyboards section.
You guys can tolerate people who join up and don't bother to research.
You guys can tolerate 5 simultaneous noppoo threads, a stupidly long back and forth razer thread and a half dozen HHKB threads per 2-3 pages.
You guys can indulge all this crap but yet you can't seem to tolerate fragility venting a little bit.

Now as for this thread.
You guys say you want to foster a community and encourage learning but you make a thread like this openly mocking a member.
You mute fragility and then you let this charade go on.
Threads like these encourage dangerous mob mentalities and subject people like fragility to unwarranted verbal abuse and harassment.
You mods and admins should have locked this as soon as you saw this thread instead of encouraging this dangerous and disparaging precedence (well I doubt this is the first)
and don't you dare say that nobody has openly written anything truly disparaging about fragility in this thread or that this thread is just "good fun" - you're not that dense and you know exactly the sort of vindictive crap you're participating in.

I appreciate the sentiment dude, I don't let it get to me in all honesty, It's fine. But thank you for writing what you wrote, I thought it was going to be another bash at me to be honest, but as I read it, I was wow'd a little.

I just assume a lot of the members are children or whatever, but heh, although I may have said some unruly things and was a bit aggressive and what not, the initial thought process behind my rant thread, was exactly that. Obviously with internet forums, your message can be skewed and misinterpreted and that's always a downside to things like this.

A lot of your points I do agree with, the fact that threads are allowed to continue yet I would be subject to being muted and my threads being deleted/locked, but ah well, it is what it is I suppose. Maybe new moderators should be assigned or maybe more stricter rules should be enforced, but hey ho!

Thanks though dude, appreciate it.

Offline epzy

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Re: Are people too whiny nowadays?
« Reply #146 on: Thu, 25 September 2014, 22:43:07 »
I was banned for 24 hours, but now I'm back mother****ers.


lel, idiot
FaceW ~ Duck Viper ~ Kishsaver ~ HHKB Pro 2 Cherry G81-3000SAU ~ Filco Majestouch 2 ~ GON NS NerD 60 HHKB ~ 360 Corsa (jk skam) ~ KMAC Happy (jk skam) ~ JD40 (jk skam)

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Are people too whiny nowadays?
« Reply #147 on: Thu, 25 September 2014, 22:55:17 »
I was banned for 24 hours, but now I'm back mother****ers.


lel, idiot

At least he didn't stupidly give in to weeaboos and pay $200+ for a mediocre keyboard that's the HHKB..

See, I could be mean too for no reason...   

Chillax people... 

epzy, see you on the battlefield.. !!

Offline epzy

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Re: Are people too whiny nowadays?
« Reply #148 on: Thu, 25 September 2014, 22:58:47 »
I was banned for 24 hours, but now I'm back mother****ers.


lel, idiot

At least he didn't stupidly give in to weeaboos and pay $200+ for a mediocre keyboard that's the HHKB..

See, I could be mean too for no reason...   

Chillax people... 

epzy, see you on the battlefield.. !!

Show Image

yeah you could, but you prefer to be annoying for no reason

FaceW ~ Duck Viper ~ Kishsaver ~ HHKB Pro 2 Cherry G81-3000SAU ~ Filco Majestouch 2 ~ GON NS NerD 60 HHKB ~ 360 Corsa (jk skam) ~ KMAC Happy (jk skam) ~ JD40 (jk skam)

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Are people too whiny nowadays?
« Reply #149 on: Thu, 25 September 2014, 23:02:46 »
I was banned for 24 hours, but now I'm back mother****ers.


lel, idiot

At least he didn't stupidly give in to weeaboos and pay $200+ for a mediocre keyboard that's the HHKB..

See, I could be mean too for no reason...   

Chillax people... 

epzy, see you on the battlefield.. !!

Show Image

yeah you could, but you prefer to be annoying for no reason


oh.. oh oh.. buh..  no I have no comeback for that...  it's too true..